2006-01-10"; $uddeConfig_version_number="0.5b"; // Don't allow direct linking defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); // include everything needed require_once ('includes/mambo.php'); include_once( 'includes/pageNavigation.php' ); require_once ('components/com_uddeim/bbparser.php'); require_once ('components/com_uddeim/includes.php'); // Get right language file or use english $pathtome="components/com_uddeim"; $adminpath="administrator/components/com_uddeim"; if (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { include($adminpath.'/language/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); } elseif (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/english.php')) { include($adminpath.'/language/english.php'); } // if (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { // include($adminpath.'/language/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); // } elseif (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/english.php')) { // include($adminpath.'/language/english.php'); // } // set required values // (hopefully to be overwritten by config file which is loaded next) $config_charset="ISO8859-1"; $config_mailcharset="ISO8859-1"; $config_realnames='0'; $config_quotedivider='__________'; // get the configuration file // config must be loaded after language file require($mosConfig_absolute_path."/administrator/components/com_uddeim/uddeim_config.php"); // if needed, load getpiclink.php if($config_getpiclink) { include_once( 'components/com_uddeim/getpiclink.php' ); } // adjust non acceptable values if ($config_firstwordsinbox<8) { $config_firstwordsinbox=8; } if ($ReadMessagesLivespan<1) { $ReadMessagesLivespan=1; } if ($UnreadMessagesLivespan<1) { $UnreadMessagesLivespan=1; } if ($TrashLivespan<0.01) { $TrashLivespan=0.01; } // No access if not logged in, and bye if(!$my->id) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_NOTLOGGEDIN; $redirecturl="index.php"; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // Get passed variables and strip/escape potentially dangerous stuff $Itemid=mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid'); // if no Itemid is passed on, try to find one somewhere if(!$Itemid) { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__menu WHERE link LIKE '%index%' AND published>=0 LIMIT 1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $found=$database->loadResult(); $Itemid=$found; } $item_id=$Itemid; $task=mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', 'inbox'); $messageid=mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'messageid'); $recip=mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'recip'); $runame=mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'runame'); $ret=mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'ret'); $popupradio=mosGetParam ( $_REQUEST, 'popupradio', 0); $to_id=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'to_id'); $to_name=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'to_name'); // $pmessage=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'pmessage'); // changed 0.5 build 11 $pmessage=strip_tags(mosGetParam($_POST, 'pmessage', '', _MOS_ALLOWHTML)); $sendeform_showallusers=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'sendeform_showallusers', ''); $to_all=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'to_all', 0); $tobedeleted=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'tobedeleted'); $copytome=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'copytome'); $emailradio=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'emailradio', '0'); $emailreplycheck=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'emailreplycheck', '0'); $backto=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'backto'); $returntask=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'returntask', 'inbox'); $returnlimitstart=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'returnlimitstart', 0); $returnlimit=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'returnlimit'); if(!$returnlimit) { $returnlimit=$config_perpage; } if(!$returnlimit) { $returnlimit=10; } $arcmes=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'arcmes'); $limitstart=mosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'limitstart', 0); $limit=mosGetParam ($_REQUEST, 'limit'); if(!$limit) { $limit=$config_perpage; } if(!$limit) { $limit=10; } $sysgm_sys=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'sysgm_sys'); $sysgm_universe=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'sysgm_universe'); $sysgm_validfor=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'sysgm_validfor'); $sysgm_really=mosGetParam ($_POST, 'sysgm_really'); // load template css file if(!$config_templatedir) { $config_templatedir="default"; } // change image config values to image links $uddeicons_onlinepic=" "; $uddeicons_offlinepic=" "; $uddeicons_readpic=" "; $uddeicons_unreadpic=" "; // browser switch $used_browser = mosGetParam($_SERVER, 'HTTP_USER_AGENT', null); $css_appendix=""; if (stristr($used_browser, "Opera")) { $css_appendix="-opera"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "MSIE 4")) { $css_appendix="-ie4"; $css_alternative="-ie"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "MSIE 6") || stristr($used_browser, "MSIE/6")) { $css_appendix="-ie6"; $css_alternative="-ie"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "MSIE 7") || stristr($used_browser, "MSIE/7")) { $css_appendix="-ie7"; $css_alternative="-ie"; } elseif (((stristr($used_browser, "MSIE 5") || stristr($used_browser, "MSIE/5"))) && stristr($used_browser, "Win")) { $css_appendix="-ie5win"; $css_alternative="-ie"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "MSIE 5") && stristr($used_browser, "Mac")) { $css_appendix="-ie5mac"; $css_alternative="-ie"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Safari")) { $css_appendix="-safari"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Safari/100")) { $css_appendix="-safari100"; $css_alternative="-safari"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Safari/85")) { $css_appendix="-safari85"; $css_alternative="-safari"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Konqueror")) { $css_appendix="-konq"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Konqueror/2")) { $css_appendix="-konq2"; $css_alternative="-konq"; } elseif (stristr($used_browser, "Konqueror/3")) { $css_appendix="-konq3"; $css_alternative="-konq"; } // now start the output echo "\n\n"; // load the css file if(file_exists('components/com_uddeim/templates/'.$config_templatedir.'/css/uddeim'.$css_appendix.'.css')) { echo ''; echo "\n"; } elseif(file_exists('components/com_uddeim/templates/'.$config_templatedir.'/css/uddeim'.$css_alternative.'.css')) { echo ''; echo "\n"; } elseif(file_exists('components/com_uddeim/templates/'.$config_templatedir.'/css/uddeim.css')) { echo ''; echo "\n"; } else { // template css doesn't exist, now we try to load the default css file if(file_exists('components/com_uddeim/templates/default/css/uddeim.css')) { echo ''; echo "\n"; } } echo "
"; // fork according to task switch ($task) { case "save": saveMessage($my->id, $to_name, $to_id, $pmessage, $to_all, $tobedeleted, $item_id, $messageid, $copytome, $sendeform_showallusers); break; case "delete": deleteMessage($my->id, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id, $ret); break; case "new": newMessage($my->id, $item_id, $to_id); break; case "version": echo "

Installed uddeIM version

"; echo $versionstring; echo "
\n\n"; break; case "showstrings": showStrings($adminpath, $mosConfig_lang); break; case "sysgm": newSysgm($my->id, $item_id, $to_id); break; case "savesysgm": saveSysgm($my->id, $to_name, $to_id, $pmessage, $to_all, $tobedeleted, $item_id, $messageid, $sysgm_sys, $sysgm_universe, $sysgm_validfor, $sysgm_really); break; case "show": showMessage($my->id, $item_id, $messageid); break; case "showout": showOutmessage($my->id, $item_id, $messageid); break; case "outbox": showOutbox($my->id, $item_id); break; case "prune": pruneMessages($my->id, ''); break; case "trashcan": trashCan($my->id, $item_id); break; case "recall": recallMessage($my->id, $messageid, $item_id); break; case "restore": restoreMessage($my->id, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id); break; case "markread": markRead($my->id, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id); break; case "markunread": markUnread($my->id, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id); break; case "inbox": showInbox($my->id, $item_id); break; case "blockuser": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/blocking.php'); blockUserUdde($my->id, $item_id, $recip); break; case "unblockuser": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/blocking.php'); unblockUserUdde($my->id, $item_id, $recip); break; case "archive": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/archive.php'); archive($my->id, $item_id); break; case "archivemessage": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/archive.php'); archiveMessage ($my->id, $item_id, $messageid); break; case "archivetrash": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/archive.php'); archiveTrash ($my->id, $item_id, $arcmes); break; case "archivedownload": require_once ('components/com_uddeim/archive.php'); archiveDownload ($my->id, $item_id, $arcmes); break; case "settings": showSettings ($my->id, $item_id); break; case "about": showUddeAbout ($item_id, $versionstring); break; case "saveemn": saveEMN ($my->id, $item_id, $emailradio, $emailreplycheck); break; case "savepopup": savePopup ($my->id, $item_id, $popupradio); break; default: showInbox($my->id, $item_id); break; } // now do the work function showInbox($myself, $item_id) { global $database, $my; global $limit, $limitstart; global $adminignitiononly; global $uddeicons_onlinepic, $uddeicons_offlinepic, $uddeicons_readpic, $uddeicons_unreadpic; global $config_blocksystem; global $config_showcblink, $config_showonline; global $config_firstwordsinbox; global $config_allowemailnotify, $config_allowpopup; global $config_sysm_username, $config_allowarchive, $config_perpage; global $config_charset, $config_inboxlimit, $config_showinboxlimit, $config_maxarchive; global $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showtitle, $config_getpiclink; global $config_realnames; // invoke pruning if set so $my_gid=0; if($adminignitiononly==1) { if($my->gid>1) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); } // if ($my_gid>23) { // JACL support if ($my_gid==24||$my_gid==25) { pruneMessages($my->id, $my_gid); } } elseif($adminignitiononly==0) { pruneMessages($my->id, $my_gid); } // set the remindersent to now, because looking into inbox counts as remindersent $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim_emn SET remindersent=".uddetime()." WHERE userid=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } // message limit for inbox? $limitreached=""; if($config_inboxlimit) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself." AND totrash<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $totalarchive=$database->loadResult(); if ($config_allowarchive) { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_BOTH; } else { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_INBOX; } $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { $limitreached=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_1." ".$totalarchive; $limitreached.=" "._UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_2." "; $limitreached.=$universeflag; $limitreached.=". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_3." ".$config_maxarchive.". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_4; } else { $limitreached=""; } } // how many messages total? $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$my->id." AND totrash<1 AND archived<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $total=$database->loadResult(); // now load messages as required if(!$limitstart) { $limitstart=0; } if(!$limit) { $limit=$config_perpage; } if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.totrash<1 AND a.fromid=b.id AND archived<1 ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.totrash<1 AND a.fromid=b.id AND archived<1 ORDER BY datum DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } $database->setQuery($sql); $allmessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if($config_getpiclink) { $sql="SELECT id, avatar FROM #__comprofiler"; $database->setQuery($sql); $allavatars=$database->loadObjectList(); foreach($allavatars as $allavatar) { $myavatar[$allavatar->id]=$allavatar->avatar; } } // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('inbox', $item_id); if($limitreached) { echo "


\n"; } // if no messages: if(count($allmessages)<1) { // no messages to list echo "


\n"; // and close the HTML output and return echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } // now open the inbox container and table; write table headings echo "
"; echo ""; echo "\n\n\t"; $i=1; // now write the list foreach($allmessages as $themessage) { if($themessage->toread>0) { // $readcell=$uddeicons_readpic; $readcell="".$uddeicons_readpic.""; } else { // $readcell=$uddeicons_unreadpic; $readcell="".$uddeicons_unreadpic.""; } $fromname=$themessage->fromname; $personalsys=0; if($themessage->systemmessage==$fromname) { $personalsys=1; } if($themessage->systemmessage) { $fromname=$themessage->systemmessage; } if(($config_showcblink && !$themessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showcblink && $personalsys)) { if($config_getpiclink) { $fromcell=getPicLink($themessage->fromid,$fromname, $myavatar[$themessage->fromid]); } else { $fromcell="fromid.">".$fromname.""; } } else { $fromcell=$fromname; } // is this user currently online? if (($config_showonline && !$themessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showonline && $personalsys)) { $sql="SELECT count(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$themessage->fromid; $database->setQuery($sql); $isonline=$database->loadResult(); if($isonline) { $fromcell.=$uddeicons_onlinepic; } else { $fromcell.=$uddeicons_offlinepic; } } $teasermessage=$themessage->message; if($themessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { // if it is a system message or bb codes allowed, parse BB codes $teasermessage=bbcode_strip($teasermessage); } $teasermessage=teaser(stripslashes($teasermessage), $config_firstwordsinbox); $teasermessage=htmlspecialchars($teasermessage, ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $teasermessage=str_replace("&#", "&#", $teasermessage); $safemessage=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($themessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $messagecell="id.">".$teasermessage.""; $datumcell=uddeDate($themessage->datum); $deletecell="id.">"._UDDEIM_DELETELINK.""; echo "\n\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo ""; $i++; if ($i>2) { $i=1; } } // now close inbox table and container echo "\n
\n"; // write the inbox navigation links $pageNav = new mosPageNav($total, $limitstart, $limit); $referlink="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id; if($total>$limit) { $shownav=$pageNav->writePagesLinks($referlink); $shownav=arrowReplace($shownav); echo "
\n"; } $showinboxlimit_borderbottom=""; if($config_inboxlimit) { if(!$totalarchive) { $totalarchive=0; } if($config_showinboxlimit) { // if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { $showinboxlimit_borderbottom=""; $showinboxlimit_borderbottom.=""._UDDEIM_SHOWINBOXLIMIT_1." ".$totalarchive; $showinboxlimit_borderbottom.=" "._UDDEIM_SHOWINBOXLIMIT_2." ".$config_maxarchive.")"; $showinboxlimit_borderbottom.=""; } else { $showinboxlimit_borderbottom=""; $showinboxlimit_borderbottom=_UDDEIM_SHOWINBOXLIMIT_1." ".$totalarchive; // if($my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { $showinboxlimit_borderbottom.=" "._UDDEIM_SHOWINBOXLIMIT_2." ".$config_maxarchive.")"; } } } } echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', $showinboxlimit_borderbottom)."
\n\n\n"; } function saveEMN ($myself, $item_id, $emailradio, $emailreplycheck) { global $database; global $my; if($emailradio==0 || $emailradio==1 || $emailradio==2) { $emn_setstatus=$emailradio; if($emailradio==1 && $emailreplycheck) { $emn_setstatus=10; } if($emailradio==2 && $emailreplycheck) { $emn_setstatus=20; } $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $entryexists=$database->loadResult(); if(!$entryexists) { $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim_emn (status, userid) VALUES ('".$emn_setstatus."', '".$myself."')"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=settings&Itemid='.$item_id; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim_emn SET `status`='".$emn_setstatus."' WHERE `userid`='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } } $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=settings&Itemid='.$item_id; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } function savePopup ($myself, $item_id, $popupradio) { global $database; global $my; $backto = mosGetParam($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null); if($popupradio==0 || $popupradio==1 || $popupradio==2 || $popupradio==3) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $entryexists=$database->loadResult(); if(!$entryexists) { $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim_emn (popup, userid) VALUES ('".$popupradio."', '".$myself."')"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } if(isset($backto)) { $redirecturl=$backto; } else { $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=settings&Itemid='.$item_id; } mosRedirect($redirecturl); } $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim_emn SET `popup`='".$popupradio."' WHERE `userid`='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } } if(isset($backto)) { $redirecturl=$backto; } else { $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=settings&Itemid='.$item_id; } mosRedirect($redirecturl); } function savePop ($myself, $item_id, $uddepop) { global $database; global $my; $backto = mosGetParam($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null); if($uddepop==0 || $uddepop==1 || $uddepop==2 || $uddepop==3) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim_userprefs WHERE userid='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $entryexists=$database->loadResult(); if(!$entryexists) { $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim_userprefs (userid, popup) VALUES ('".$myself."', '".$uddepop."')"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } if($backto) { $redirecturl=$backto; } else { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id; } mosRedirect($redirecturl); } $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim_userprefs SET `popup`='".$uddepop."' WHERE `userid`='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error" . $database->stderr(true)); } } if($backto) { $redirecturl=$backto; } else { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id; } mosRedirect($redirecturl); } function showOutbox($myself, $item_id) { global $database, $my; global $limit, $limitstart; global $uddeicons_onlinepic, $uddeicons_offlinepic, $uddeicons_readpic, $uddeicons_unreadpic, $config_blocksystem; global $config_showcblink, $config_showonline, $config_realnames; global $config_firstwordsinbox, $config_allowarchive, $config_perpage, $config_charset; global $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showtitle, $config_getpiclink; // how many messages total? $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE ((systemmessage IS NULL) OR (systemmessage='')) AND fromid=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $total=$database->loadResult(); // now load messages as required if(!$limitstart) { $limitstart=0; } if(!$limit) { $limit=$config_perpage; } if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.toid=b.id AND ((a.systemmessage IS NULL) OR (a.systemmessage='')) ORDER BY toread ASC, datum DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.toid=b.id AND ((a.systemmessage IS NULL) OR (a.systemmessage='')) ORDER BY toread ASC, datum DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } $database->setQuery($sql); $allmessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if($config_getpiclink) { $sql="SELECT id, avatar FROM #__comprofiler"; $database->setQuery($sql); $allavatars=$database->loadObjectList(); foreach($allavatars as $allavatar) { $myavatar[$allavatar->id]=$allavatar->avatar; } } // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('outbox', $item_id); // if no messages: if(count($allmessages)<1) { // no messages to list echo "


\n"; // and close the HTML output and return echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } // now open the inbox container and table; write table headings echo "
"; echo "\n\n\t"; $i=1; // now write the list foreach($allmessages as $themessage) { if(!$themessage->systemmessage) { if($themessage->toread) { $readcell=$uddeicons_readpic; } else { $readcell=$uddeicons_unreadpic; } if($config_showcblink) { if($config_getpiclink) { $tocell=getPicLink($themessage->toid,$themessage->toname, $myavatar[$themessage->toid]); } else { $tocell="toid.">".$themessage->toname.""; } } else { $tocell=$themessage->toname; } // is this user currently online? if ($config_showonline) { $sql="SELECT count(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$themessage->toid; $database->setQuery($sql); $isonline=$database->loadResult(); if($isonline) { $tocell.=$uddeicons_onlinepic; } else { $tocell.=$uddeicons_offlinepic; } } $teasermessage=$themessage->message; if($themessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { // if it is a system message or bb codes allowed, parse BB codes $teasermessage=bbcode_strip($teasermessage); } $teasermessage=teaser(stripslashes($teasermessage), $config_firstwordsinbox); $teasermessage=htmlspecialchars($teasermessage, ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $teasermessage=str_replace("&#", "&#", $teasermessage); $safemessage=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($themessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $messagecell="id.">".$teasermessage.""; $datumcell=uddeDate($themessage->datum); if($themessage->toread==0) { $deletecell="id.">"._UDDEIM_RECALL.""; } else { $deletecell="           "; } echo "\n\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo ""; $i++; if ($i>2) { $i=1; } } } // now close inbox table and container echo "\n
\n"; // write the inbox navigation links $pageNav = new mosPageNav($total, $limitstart, $limit); $referlink="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=outbox&Itemid=".$item_id; if($total>$limit) { echo "
"; $shownav=$pageNav->writePagesLinks($referlink); $shownav=arrowReplace($shownav); echo $shownav; echo "
\n"; } // outbox warning echo "


\n"; echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function trashCan($myself, $item_id) { global $database, $my; global $limit, $limitstart; global $uddeicons_onlinepic, $uddeicons_offlinepic, $uddeicons_readpic, $uddeicons_unreadpic, $config_blocksystem; global $TrashLivespan, $config_getpiclink, $config_realnames; global $config_showcblink, $config_showonline, $config_showtitle; global $config_firstwordsinbox, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile; global $config_sysm_username, $config_allowarchive, $config_perpage, $config_charset; // how many messages total? $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$my->id." AND totrash>0"; $database->setQuery($sql); $total=$database->loadResult(); // now load messages as required if(!$limitstart) { $limitstart=0; } if(!$limit) { $limit=$config_perpage; } if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.totrash>0 AND a.fromid=b.id ORDER BY totrashdate DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.totrash>0 AND a.fromid=b.id ORDER BY totrashdate DESC LIMIT ".$limitstart.", ".$limit; } $database->setQuery($sql); $allmessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if($config_getpiclink) { $sql="SELECT id, avatar FROM #__comprofiler"; $database->setQuery($sql); $allavatars=$database->loadObjectList(); foreach($allavatars as $allavatar) { $myavatar[$allavatar->id]=$allavatar->avatar; } } // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('trashcan', $item_id); $keephours=$TrashLivespan*24; // if no messages: if(count($allmessages)<1) { // no messages to list echo "


\n"; // and close the HTML output and return echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } // now open the inbox container and table; write table headings echo "
"; echo "\n\n\t"; $i=1; // now write the list foreach($allmessages as $themessage) { if($themessage->toread) { $readcell=$uddeicons_readpic; } else { $readcell=$uddeicons_unreadpic; } $fromname=$themessage->fromname; $personalsys=0; if($themessage->systemmessage==$fromname) { $personalsys=1; } if($themessage->systemmessage) { $fromname=$themessage->systemmessage; } if(($config_showcblink && !$themessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showcblink && $personalsys)) { if($config_getpiclink) { $fromcell=getPicLink($themessage->fromid,$fromname, $myavatar[$themessage->fromid]); } else { $fromcell="fromid.">".$fromname.""; } } else { $fromcell=$fromname; } // is this user currently online? if (($config_showonline && !$themessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showonline && $personalsys)) { $sql="SELECT count(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$themessage->fromid; $database->setQuery($sql); $isonline=$database->loadResult(); if($isonline) { $fromcell.=$uddeicons_onlinepic; } else { $fromcell.=$uddeicons_offlinepic; } } $teasermessage=$themessage->message; if($themessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { // if it is a system message or bb codes allowed, parse BB codes $teasermessage=bbcode_strip($teasermessage); } $teasermessage=teaser(stripslashes($teasermessage), $config_firstwordsinbox); $teasermessage=htmlspecialchars($teasermessage, ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $teasermessage=str_replace("&#", "&#", $teasermessage); $safemessage=htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($themessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $messagecell=$teasermessage; // $messagecell="id.">".$teasermessage.""; $datumcell=uddeDate($themessage->totrashdate); $deletecell="id.">"._UDDEIM_RESTORE.""; echo "\n\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t"; echo ""; $i++; if ($i>2) { $i=1; } } // now close inbox table and container echo "\n
\n"; // write the inbox navigation links $pageNav = new mosPageNav($total, $limitstart, $limit); $referlink="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=trashcan&Itemid=".$item_id; if($total>$limit) { echo "
"; $shownav=$pageNav->writePagesLinks($referlink); $shownav=arrowReplace($shownav); echo $shownav; echo "
\n"; } echo "


\n"; echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function showMessage($myself, $item_id, $messageid) { global $database, $my; global $uddeicons_onlinepic, $uddeicons_offlinepic, $uddeicons_readpic, $uddeicons_unreadpic, $config_realnames; global $config_blocksystem, $config_blockalert, $config_showtitle; global $config_showcblink, $config_showcbpic, $config_showonline; global $config_sysm_username, $config_allowarchive, $config_allowcopytome, $config_trashoriginal, $config_charset, $config_inboxlimit, $config_allowarchive, $config_maxarchive, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_quotedivider; // read message from database if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.fromid=b.id"; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS fromname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.toid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.fromid=b.id"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $displaymessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if(count($displaymessages)<1) { echo _UDDEIM_MESSAGENOACCESS; return; } // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('showMessage', $item_id); foreach($displaymessages as $displaymessage) { $setreadflag=$displaymessage->id; $personalsys=0; if($displaymessage->systemmessage==$displaymessage->fromname) { $personalsys=1; } // display the message $headerstring=""; // does comprofiler have a thumbnail image of the sender? $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id=".$displaymessage->fromid; $database->setQuery($sql); $avatar_id=$database->loadResult(); $filename="images/comprofiler/tn".$avatar_id; if (file_exists($filename) && $config_showcbpic && ($personalsys || !$displaymessage->systemmessage)) { $headerstring.="\n"; } $headerstring.="
fromid.">"; $headerstring.=""; $headerstring.="
"; if($displaymessage->toid!=$displaymessage->fromid) { // not a copy to myself $headerstring.=_UDDEIM_MESSAGEFROM; } $fromname=$displaymessage->fromname; if($displaymessage->systemmessage) { $fromname=$displaymessage->systemmessage; } if (($config_showcblink && !$displaymessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showcblink && $personalsys)) { $headerstring.="fromid.">"; } $headerstring.=$fromname; if (($config_showcblink && !$displaymessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showcblink && $personalsys)) { $headerstring.=""; } // is this user currently online? if (($config_showonline && !$displaymessage->systemmessage) || ($config_showonline && $personalsys)) { $sql="SELECT count(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$displaymessage->fromid; $database->setQuery($sql); $isonline=$database->loadResult(); if($isonline) { $headerstring.=$uddeicons_onlinepic; } else { $headerstring.=$uddeicons_offlinepic; } } $headerstring.="
"; $headerstring.=uddeLdate($displaymessage->datum); $headerstring.="
    "; // show delete & block links if(!$displaymessage->totrash=="1") { // but only if not already moved to trash $headerstring.="\n"; if ($config_blocksystem && !$displaymessage->systemmessage) { $headerstring.="\n"; } } else { } if($displaymessage->archived<1 && $config_allowarchive) { $headerstring.=""; } $headerstring.="
"; $headerstring.="
"; $dmessage=nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($displaymessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset)); $dmessage=str_replace("&#", "&#", $dmessage); // unicode workaround if($displaymessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { // if system message or bbcodes allowed, call parser $dmessage=bbcode_replace($dmessage); } if($config_allowsmile) { $dmessage=smile_replace($dmessage); } $bodystring=$dmessage; $replysuggest=stripslashes($displaymessage->message); // if allowed to contain bbcodes they should be // stripped for the reply quote if($displaymessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { $replysuggest=bbcode_strip($replysuggest); } $replytomessage="\n\n".$config_quotedivider."\n".$replysuggest; $to_id=$displaymessage->fromid; $replytoid=$displaymessage->id; $trashmessage=$displaymessage->totrash; $disablereply=$displaymessage->disablereply; echo "
"; echo "
"; } // read flag set to true $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET toread=1 WHERE id=".$setreadflag; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to set message read flag to true" . $database->stderr(true)); } // over inbox limit size? Then reply not allowed until messages deleted if($config_inboxlimit) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself." AND totrash<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $totalarchive=$database->loadResult(); if ($config_allowarchive) { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_BOTH; } else { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_INBOX; } $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24 && !$disablereply) { // JACL support if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25 && !$disablereply) { $limitreached=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_1." ".$totalarchive; $limitreached.=" "._UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_2." "; $limitreached.=$universeflag; $limitreached.=". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_3." ".$config_maxarchive.". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_4; echo "

"; echo $limitreached; echo "

"; // close main container echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } } if(!$disablereply || !$to_id>0) { // show reply form if($trashmessage==0) { // but only if not already moved to trash // echo "
"; // which page did refer to this "show Message" page? // because we want to send back the user where (s)he came from $backto = mosGetParam($_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null); if(stristr($backto, "com_pms")) { $backto=""; } drawWriteform($item_id, $backto, $to_id, $replytomessage, $replytoid, $config_trashoriginal, $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, 0, 1, 0, ""); } else { // offer restore link echo "
"; echo ""._UDDEIM_RESTORE."
\n"; } } else { // don't allow replies echo "
\n"; } // close container echo "
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function showOutmessage($myself, $item_id, $messageid) { global $database, $my; global $uddeicons_onlinepic, $uddeicons_offlinepic, $uddeicons_readpic, $uddeicons_unreadpic, $config_blocksystem, $config_showtitle, $config_realnames; global $config_showcbpic, $config_showcblink, $config_showonline, $config_allowarchive, $config_charset, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile; // read message from database if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.toid=b.id"; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.toid=b.id"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $displaymessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if(count($displaymessages)<1) { echo _UDDEIM_MESSAGENOACCESS; return; } // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('showOutmessage', $item_id); foreach($displaymessages as $displaymessage) { $outmessageid=$displaymessage->id; // display the message $headerstring=""; // does comprofiler have a thumbnail image of the sender? $sql="SELECT avatar FROM #__comprofiler WHERE user_id=".$displaymessage->toid; $database->setQuery($sql); $avatar_id=$database->loadResult(); $filename="images/comprofiler/tn".$avatar_id; if (file_exists($filename) && $config_showcbpic) { $headerstring.="\n"; } $headerstring.=""; $headerstring.="
toid.">"; $headerstring.=""; $headerstring.="
"; $headerstring.=_UDDEIM_MESSAGETO; if ($config_showcblink) { $headerstring.="toid.">"; } $headerstring.=$displaymessage->toname; if ($config_showcblink) { $headerstring.=""; } // is this user currently online? if ($config_showonline) { $sql="SELECT count(userid) FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$displaymessage->toid; $database->setQuery($sql); $isonline=$database->loadResult(); if($isonline) { $headerstring.=$uddeicons_onlinepic; } else { $headerstring.=$uddeicons_offlinepic; } } $headerstring.="
"; $headerstring.=uddeLdate($displaymessage->datum); $headerstring.="
"; // echo str_replace("&#", "&#", nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($displaymessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset))); $dmessage=nl2br(htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($displaymessage->message), ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset)); $dmessage=str_replace("&#", "&#", $dmessage); // unicode workaround if($displaymessage->systemmessage || $config_allowbb) { // if system message or bbcodes allowed, call parser $dmessage=bbcode_replace($dmessage); } if($config_allowsmile) { $dmessage=smile_replace($dmessage); } $bodystring=$dmessage; $msgread=$displaymessage->toread; echo "
"; echo "
"; } // recall link if unread if($msgread==0) { echo "
\n"; } // close container echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function saveMessage($myself, $to_name, $to_id, $pmessage, $to_all, $tobedeleted, $item_id, $messageid, $copytome, $sendeform_showallusers) { global $database, $my; global $config_blocksystem, $config_blockalert; global $backto, $config_showtitle, $config_realnames; global $config_maxlength, $config_allowemailnotify, $config_maxarchive; global $config_allowemailnotify, $config_allowarchive, $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, $config_inboxlimit, $config_quotedivider; // if inbox limit set and over limit -> no messages must be saved if($config_inboxlimit) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself." AND totrash<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $totalarchive=$database->loadResult(); $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_ARCHIVEFULL; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim"; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); // close main container echo "\n\n"; } } if(!$to_id && !$to_name) { $to_name=" "; } if($sendeform_showallusers) { if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // display to form again so that the user can correct his/her fault $to_name=stripslashes($to_name); $pmessage=stripslashes($pmessage); drawWriteform($item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, "", "", $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, 0, 1, ""); echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } if($to_name) { if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE name='".$to_name."'"; } else { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE username='".$to_name."'"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $to_id=$database->loadResult($sql); if(!$to_id) { // no user with this username found // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // display to form again so that the user can correct his/her fault $to_name=stripslashes($to_name); $pmessage=stripslashes($pmessage); drawWriteform($item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, "", "", $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, 0, 3, ""); echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } elseif ($to_id==$my->id) { // don't send to yourself // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // display to form again so that the user can correct his/her fault $to_name=stripslashes($to_name); $pmessage=stripslashes($pmessage); drawWriteform($item_id, "", $to_name, $pmessage, "", "", $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, 0, 2, ""); echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } } if(!$to_id) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_NOID; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim"; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); break; } if(!$pmessage) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_NOMESSAGE; $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=new&Itemid='.$item_id; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim_blocks WHERE blocker=".$to_id." AND blocked=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $isblocked=$database->loadResult(); if($isblocked && $config_blocksystem) { // must not send message to to_id if($config_blockalert) { // sending user shall be informed that (s)he's been blocked $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_YOUAREBLOCKED; if(!$backto) { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id; } else { $redirecturl=$backto; } mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } else { // dont tell him/her (s)he is blocked $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_MESSAGE_SENT; if(!$backto) { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&Itemid=".$item_id; } else { $redirecturl=$backto; } mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } } $savedatum=uddetime(); $savetoid=$to_id; $savefromid=$my->id; $savetoall=$to_all; $savemessage=addslashes(strip_tags($pmessage)); // $savemessage=(strip_tags($message)); // strip bbcodes if(!$config_allowbb) { $savemessage=bbcode_strip($savemessage); } // set message max length if($config_maxlength>0) { // because if 0 do not use any maxlength $savemessage=substr($savemessage, 0, $config_maxlength); } // we have all we need, now save it $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum) VALUES (".$savefromid.", ".$savetoid.", '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.")"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } // copy to myself? if($copytome && $config_allowcopytome) { if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id=".$savetoid; } else { $sql="SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id=".$savetoid; } $database->setQuery($sql); $to_name=$database->loadResult(); $copyheader=" [i]("._UDDEIM_THISISACOPY.$to_name.")[/i]"; $savemessage=$savemessage.$copyheader; $archiveflag=0; // if($config_allowarchive) { $archiveflag=1; } $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, toread, message, datum, disablereply, systemmessage, archived) VALUES (".$savefromid.", ".$savefromid.", 1, '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.", 1, '"._UDDEIM_TO." ".$to_name."', ".$archiveflag.")"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } } // delete original message? if($tobedeleted) { $deletetime=uddetime(); $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$deletetime." WHERE toid=".$my->id." AND id=".$messageid; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to delete a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } } // e-mail notification code $itisareply=""; $currentlyonline=""; // is this a reply? $itisareply=stristr($savemessage, $config_quotedivider); // is the receiver currently online? $sql="SELECT userid FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$savetoid; $database->setQuery($sql); $currentlyonline=$database->loadResult(); if($config_allowemailnotify==1) { $sql="SELECT status FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$savetoid."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10 && !$itisareply) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline && !$itisareply)) { dispatchEMN($savefromid, $savetoid, $savemessage, 0); // 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot) } } elseif($config_allowemailnotify==2) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$savetoid; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if ($my_gid>23) { // JACL support if ($my_gid==24||$my_gid==25) { $sql="SELECT status FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$savetoid."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10 && !$itisareply) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline && !$itisareply)) { dispatchEMN($savefromid, $savetoid, $savemessage, 0); // 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot) } } } if($messageid) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_MESSAGE_REPLIEDTO; } else { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_MESSAGE_SENT; } if ($tobedeleted) { $mosmsg.=_UDDEIM_MOVEDTOTRASH; } $yesreferer=_UDDEIM_REFERAFTERSAVING; if($backto) { $yesreferer=$backto; } if($yesreferer) { $redirecturl=$yesreferer; } else { $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim'; } mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } function saveSysgm($myself, $to_name, $to_id, $pmessage, $to_all, $tobedeleted, $item_id, $messageid, $sysgm_sys, $sysgm_universe, $sysgm_validfor, $sysgm_really) { global $database, $my; global $config_blocksystem, $config_blockalert, $config_showtitle; global $backto, $config_realnames; global $config_maxlength, $config_allowemailnotify, $config_emailwithmessage, $config_sysm_username, $config_allowsysgm, $config_allowarchive, $config_charset; // Am I an admin? $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // is this allowed? // if(!$config_allowsysgm || $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if(!$config_allowsysgm || ($my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25)) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_NOTALLOWED_SYSM_GM; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim"; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // what is username of sender? if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; } else { $sql="SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; } $database->setQuery($sql); $sendername=$database->loadResult(); if($sysgm_sys) { $sendername=$config_sysm_username; } if(!$sysgm_really) { // send not confirmed. ask for confirmation echo "


\n"; echo "
"; if($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") { $universe=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDTOALL; } elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") { $universe=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDTOALLADMINS; } elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") { $universe=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDTOALLLOGGED; } if(!$universe) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_UNEXPECTEDERROR_QUIT."No recipients selected"; $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim'; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t"; $udde_infoheader=$universe."
"; // echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t"; $udde_infoheader.=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDAS_1.$sendername._UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLSENDAS_2."
"; if($sysgm_sys) { // echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t"; $udde_infoheader.=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLDISABLEREPLY."
"; } if($sysgm_validfor>0) { $now=uddetime(); $validuntil_timestamp=$now+($sysgm_validfor*3600); $validuntil=date("Y-m-d H:i", $validuntil_timestamp); // echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t"; $udde_infoheader.= _UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLEXPIRE." ".$validuntil."
"; } echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t"; // strip any HTML from message but don't add slashes yet $dmessage=strip_tags($pmessage); $dmessage=stripslashes($pmessage); $hmessage=htmlspecialchars($dmessage, ENT_QUOTES, $config_charset); $jmessage=$dmessage; // 0.4c changed below // if($sysgm_sys) { $containslink=stristr($dmessage, "[url"); // parse bb code if it is a sysgm $dmessage=bbcode_replace($dmessage); $dmessage=smile_replace($dmessage); // } // 0.4c changed above echo "\n\n\t\n\t\t\n\t\t"; // to do echo "\n
"._UDDEIM_SYSGM_WILLEXPIRE." ".$validuntil."
\n"; ?>


\n\n"; } ?>
"; ?> 0) { $now=uddetime(); $validuntil=$now+($sysgm_validfor*3600); } else { $validuntil=0; } $savefromid=$my->id; $savedisablereply=0; $savesysflag=""; if($sysgm_sys) { $savesysflag=$config_sysm_username; // system message $savedisablereply=1; // and users can't reply to them } else { $savesysflag=$sendername; $savedisablereply=0; } $savemessage=addslashes($pmessage); // who shall get the message? if($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toall") { $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE id<>".$my->id; } elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalllogged") { $sql="SELECT a.id, b.userid FROM #__users AS a, #__session AS b WHERE a.id=b.userid AND a.id<>".$my->id; } elseif($sysgm_universe=="sysgm_toalladmins") { // $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE `gid`>23 AND id<>".$my->id; // JACL support $sql="SELECT id FROM #__users WHERE gid IN (24,25) AND id<>".$my->id; } // query the database $database->setQuery($sql); $receivers=$database->loadObjectList(); if (!count($receivers)) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_SYSGM_ERRORNORECIPS; $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=sysgm'; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // we have all we need, now save it foreach($receivers as $receiver) { $savetoid=$receiver->id; $sql="INSERT INTO #__uddeim (fromid, toid, message, datum, expires, systemmessage, disablereply) VALUES (".$savefromid.", ".$savetoid.", '".$savemessage."', ".$savedatum.", ".$validuntil.", '".$savesysflag."', ".$savedisablereply.")"; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to save a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } // e-mail notification code $itisareply=""; $currentlyonline=""; // is the receiver currently online? $sql="SELECT userid FROM #__session WHERE userid=".$savetoid; $database->setQuery($sql); $currentlyonline=$database->loadResult(); if($config_allowemailnotify==1) { $sql="SELECT status FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$savetoid."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); if ($ison) { if($sysgm_sys) { $emn_fromid=0; } else { $emn_fromid=$savefromid; } if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10 && !$itisareply) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline && !$itisareply)) { dispatchEMN($emn_fromid, $savetoid, $savemessage, 0); // 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot) } } } elseif($config_allowemailnotify==2) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$savetoid; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if ($my_gid>23) { // JACL support if ($my_gid==24||$my_gid==25) { $sql="SELECT status FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$savetoid."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); if ($ison) { if($sysgm_sys) { $emn_fromid=0; } else { $emn_fromid=$savefromid; } if (($ison==1) || ($ison==2 && !$currentlyonline) || ($ison==10 && !$itisareply) || ($ison==20 && !$currentlyonline && !$itisareply)) { dispatchEMN($emn_fromid, $savetoid, $savemessage, 0); // 0 stands for normal (not forgetmenot) } } } } } $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_MESSAGE_SENT; $redirecturl='index.php?option=com_uddeim'; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } } function newMessage($myself, $item_id, $to_id) { global $database, $my, $pmessage; global $recip, $runame, $config_showtitle; global $config_blocksystem, $config_allowsysgm, $config_allowarchive; global $config_allowcopytome, $config_maxarchive, $config_inboxlimit, $config_trashoriginal, $config_realnames; global $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex; $recipname=""; if($recip) { if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE id='".$recip."'"; } else { $sql="SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE id='".$recip."'"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $recipname=$database->loadResult(); } elseif($runame) { if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT name FROM #__users WHERE username LIKE '".$runame."'"; } else { $sql="SELECT username FROM #__users WHERE username LIKE '".$runame."'"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $recipname=$database->loadResult(); } // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // Don't display writeform if inboxlimit set AND over limit if($config_inboxlimit) { $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself." AND totrash<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $totalarchive=$database->loadResult(); if ($config_allowarchive) { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_BOTH; } else { $universeflag=_UDDEIM_ARC_UNIVERSE_INBOX; } $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($totalarchive>$config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { $limitreached=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_1." ".$totalarchive; $limitreached.=" "._UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_2." "; $limitreached.=$universeflag; $limitreached.=". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_3." ".$config_maxarchive.". "; $limitreached.=_UDDEIM_INBOX_LIMIT_4; echo "

"; echo $limitreached; echo "

"; // close main container echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; return; } } // which page did refer to this page? // because we want to send back the user where (s)he came from // $backto=addslashes($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $backto = mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null ); if(stristr($backto, "com_pms")) { $backto=""; } drawWriteform($item_id, $backto, $recipname, $pmessage, "", $config_trashoriginal, $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, 0, 0, ""); // now check if user is an admin and if system messages are allowed if($config_allowsysgm) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if ($my_gid>23) { // JACL support if ($my_gid==24||$my_gid==25) { echo "

"; echo ""; echo _UDDEIM_WRITE_SYSM_GM; echo ""; echo "

\n"; } } echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function newSysgm($myself, $item_id, $to_id) { global $database, $my, $config_showtitle; global $config_blocksystem, $config_allowsysgm, $config_allowarchive; global $pmessage; global $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile; // Am I an admin? $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // is this allowed? // if($config_allowsysgm!=1 || $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($config_allowsysgm!=1 || ($my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25)) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_NOTALLOWED_SYSM_GM; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim"; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); // function drawWriteform($item_id, $backto, $recipname, $pmessage, $messageid, $config_trashoriginal, $config_allowcopytome, $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, $config_showconnex, $dwf_isreply, $dwf_errorcode, $dwf_sysgm) { drawWriteform($item_id, "", "", $pmessage, "", "", "", $config_allowbb, $config_allowsmile, "", 0, 0, 1); echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function deleteMessage($myself, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id, $ret) { ## Delete sets trash flag to true (it does not erase the message from the database, ## this is only done by PRUNING the messages. So messages deleted from the inbox will ## be moved to the trash can of the respective user global $database, $my, $config_allowarchive; $deletetime=uddetime(); $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET toread=1, totrash=1, totrashdate=".$deletetime." WHERE toid=".$my->id." AND id=".$messageid; $database->setQuery($sql); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to trash a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } if($ret=='archive' && $config_allowarchive) { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=archive&Itemid=".$item_id."&limit=".$returnlimit."&limitstart=".$returnlimitstart; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } elseif($ret=='top') { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } else { $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=inbox&Itemid=".$item_id."&limit=".$returnlimit."&limitstart=".$returnlimitstart; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } } function restoreMessage($myself, $messageid, $returntask, $returnlimit, $returnlimitstart, $item_id) { global $database, $my, $config_maxarchive, $config_allowarchive, $config_inboxlimit; // to do: show error message when trying to restore message that has been deleted or // is no longer available // this is a workaround for now: debug $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE id=".$messageid; $database->setQuery($sql); $zaehler=$database->loadResult(); if ($zaehler<1) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_CANTRESTORE; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=trashcan&Itemid=".$item_id."&limit=".$returnlimit."&limitstart=".$returnlimitstart; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); return; } // end of workaround // count from database all messages I saved // if greater than max, don't allow. warning text. $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself." AND id=".$messageid." AND archived>0 AND totrash>0"; $database->setQuery($sql); $isinarchive=$database->loadResult(); // if not allowarchive: send back where came from if(!$config_allowarchive && $isinarchive) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_ARCHIVENOTENABLED; // $redirecturl=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $redirecturl= mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null ); mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } // $arcsql=" AND archived>0"; $sql="SELECT count(id) FROM #__uddeim WHERE toid=".$myself.$arcsql." AND totrash<1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $inarchive=$database->loadResult(); $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); // if($inarchive >= $config_maxarchive && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($inarchive >= $config_maxarchive && $my_gid!=24 && $my_gid!=25) { echo "

"._UDDEIM_ARC_SAVED_1; echo $inarchive; echo _UDDEIM_ARC_SAVED_2."

\n"; echo "


\n"; $redirecturl=mosGetParam( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_REFERER', null ); $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_LIMITREACHED; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=0 WHERE toid=".$my->id." AND id=".$messageid; $database->setQuery($sql); $numberofrows=$database->query(); if (!$database->query()) { die("SQL error when attempting to restore a message" . $database->stderr(true)); } // if archived then restore back to archive $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=trashcan&Itemid=".$item_id."&limit=".$returnlimit."&limitstart=".$returnlimitstart; mosRedirect($redirecturl); } function recallMessage($myself, $messageid, $item_id) { global $database, $my, $config_blocksystem, $config_allowarchive, $config_allowcopytome, $config_showtitle, $config_realnames; ## this function has three parts ## first, read the message ## second, delete the message from the database (complete erase) ## third, display values for editing // read message from database if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.toid=b.id AND a.toread<1"; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS toname FROM #__uddeim AS a, #__users AS b WHERE a.fromid=".$my->id." AND a.id=".$messageid." AND a.toid=b.id AND a.toread<1"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $displaymessages=$database->loadObjectList(); if(count($displaymessages)<1) { $mosmsg=_UDDEIM_COULDNOTRECALL; $redirecturl="index.php?option=com_uddeim&task=outbox&Itemid=".$item_id; mosRedirect($redirecturl, $mosmsg); } foreach($displaymessages as $themessage) { $recalled_toname=$themessage->toname; $recalled_message=stripslashes($themessage->message); } // delete it from database $sql="DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE fromid=".$my->id." AND id=".$messageid; $database->setQuery($sql); $queryresult = $database->query(); // show form with message values to allow for editing // do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('new', $item_id); echo "
"; echo "


\n"; echo "
\n"; ?>

"; ?>
".contentBottomborder('standard', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function showSettings($myself, $item_id) { global $config_blocksystem, $config_blockalert, $database, $config_allowemailnotify; global $config_showcblink, $config_allowarchive, $config_showtitle, $config_allowpopup; global $mosConfig_lang, $config_setpopup, $config_setsound, $config_realnames; // now do the HTML output, neatly CSSed if($config_showtitle) { echo "
"; } // write the uddeim menu print_uddemenu('settings', $item_id); $emptysettings=_UDDEIM_NOSETTINGS; if($config_allowemailnotify==2) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$myself; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); } // if($config_allowemailnotify==1 || ($config_allowemailnotify==2 && $my_gid>23)) { // JACL support if($config_allowemailnotify==1 || ($config_allowemailnotify==2 && ($my_gid==24 || $my_gid==25))) { $emptysettings=""; $sql="SELECT status FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); $emn_notonreply_checkstatus=""; if($ison==0) { $emn_always_checkstatus=""; $emn_whenoffline_checkstatus=""; $emn_none_checkstatus="checked"; } elseif ($ison==1 || $ison==10) { $emn_always_checkstatus="checked"; $emn_whenoffline_checkstatus=""; $emn_none_checkstatus=""; } elseif ($ison==2 || $ison==20) { $emn_always_checkstatus=""; $emn_whenoffline_checkstatus="checked"; $emn_none_checkstatus=""; } if($ison==10 || $ison==20) { $emn_notonreply_checkstatus="checked"; } echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo ''._UDDEIM_EMN_ALWAYS.'
'; echo ''._UDDEIM_EMN_NONE.'
'; if($emn_none_checkstatus) { echo ''._UDDEIM_EMN_NOTONREPLY.'
'; } else { echo ''._UDDEIM_EMN_NOTONREPLY.'
'; } echo ''; echo "
"; echo "
"; } if($config_blocksystem) { $emptysettings=""; if($config_realnames) { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.name AS displayname FROM #__uddeim_blocks AS a, #__users AS b WHERE blocker=".$myself." AND a.blocked=b.id"; } else { $sql="SELECT a.*, b.username AS displayname FROM #__uddeim_blocks AS a, #__users AS b WHERE blocker=".$myself." AND a.blocked=b.id"; } $database->setQuery($sql); $blockedusers=$database->loadObjectList(); $howmanyblocks=count($blockedusers); echo "
\n"; echo "


\n"; if ($howmanyblocks) { echo "


\n"; echo "

"; echo _UDDEIM_YOUBLOCKED_PRE; echo $howmanyblocks; echo _UDDEIM_YOUBLOCKED_POST; echo "

\n"; echo "
"; foreach($blockedusers as $blockeduser) { if ($config_showcblink) { echo "blocked.">"; } echo "".$blockeduser->displayname.""; if ($config_showcblink) { echo ""; } echo "  "; echo "blocked.">"._UDDEIM_UNBLOCKNOW."
"; } echo "
\n"; if ($config_blockalert) { echo "


\n"; } else { echo "


\n"; } } else { echo "


\n"; } echo "
"; } // --------- below not implemented yet if ($config_setpopup || $config_setsound) { // Get language file // Get right language file or use english $pathtome="components/com_uddeim"; $adminpath="administrator/components/com_uddeim"; if (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/pb/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php')) { include($adminpath.'/language/pb/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php'); } elseif (file_exists($adminpath.'/language/pb/english.php')) { include($adminpath.'/language/pb/english.php'); } $sql="SELECT popup FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid='".$myself."'"; $database->setQuery($sql); $ison=$database->loadResult(); if(!$ison) { $ison=0; } } if ($config_setpopup==1) { $emptysettings=""; $p0checked=""; $p1checked=""; if($config_setsound) { switch($ison) { case 0: $p0checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; case 1: $p1checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; case 2: $p1checked="checked"; $p0option=3; $p1option=2; break; case 3: $p0checked="checked"; $p0option=3; $p1option=2; break; } } else { switch($ison) { case 0: $p0checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; case 1: $p1checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; case 2: $p1checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; case 3: $p0checked="checked"; $p0option=0; $p1option=1; break; } } echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo ''._UDDEMODULE_P_P0.'
'; echo ''._UDDEMODULE_P_P1.'
'; echo ''; echo "
"; echo "
"; } if ($config_setsound==1) { $emptysettings=""; $s0checked=""; $s1checked=""; if($config_setpopup) { switch($ison) { case 0: $s0checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; case 1: $s0checked="checked"; $s0option=1; $s1option=2; break; case 2: $s1checked="checked"; $s0option=1; $s1option=2; break; case 3: $s1checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; } } else { switch($ison) { case 0: $s0checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; case 1: $s0checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; case 2: $s1checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; case 3: $s1checked="checked"; $s0option=0; $s1option=3; break; } } echo "
"; echo "


"; echo "


"; echo "
"; echo ''._UDDEMODULE_P_S0.'
'; echo ''._UDDEMODULE_P_S1.'
'; echo ''; echo "
"; echo "
"; } // --------- above not implemented yet if($emptysettings) { echo "
"; } echo "\n
".contentBottomborder('settings', 'none')."
\n\n\n"; } function pruneMessages($myself, $my_gid) { global $database, $my, $task; global $config_longwaitingemail, $config_longwaitingdays, $adminignitiononly; // for pruning we also need the following variables: global $ReadMessagesLivespan, $UnreadMessagesLivespan, $TrashLivespan; global $config_forgetmenotstart; if(!$my_gid) { $sql="SELECT gid FROM #__users WHERE id=".$my->id; $database->setQuery($sql); $my_gid=$database->loadResult(); } // called by superadmin and by showinbox function? // if($adminignitiononly>0 && $my_gid<24) { // JACL support if($adminignitiononly>0 && !($my_gid==24 || $my_gid==25)) { mosRedirect("index.php?option=com_uddeim", _UDDEIM_VIOLATION); } $rightnow=uddetime(); // erase read messages after configured time frame $offset=$ReadMessagesLivespan*86400; $timeframe=$rightnow-$offset; $trashoffset=$TrashLivespan*86400; $trashframe=$rightnow-$trashoffset; // $sql="DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread>0 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe; // change in behaviour: (move to trash, don't erase after timeframe elapsed) // $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$rightnow." WHERE toread>0 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe; $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$rightnow." WHERE toread>0 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe." AND (totrashdate<".$trashframe." OR totrashdate IS NULL)"; $database->setQuery($sql); $queryresult = $database->query(); // erase unread messages after configured time frame $offset=$UnreadMessagesLivespan*86400; $timeframe=$rightnow-$offset; // $sql="DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe; // change in behaviour: (move to trash, don't erase after timeframe elapsed) // $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$rightnow." WHERE toread>0 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe; $sql="UPDATE #__uddeim SET totrash=1, totrashdate=".$rightnow." WHERE toread<1 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$timeframe; $database->setQuery($sql); $queryresult = $database->query(); // erase messages from trashcans after configured time frame $offset=$TrashLivespan*86400; $timeframe=$rightnow-$offset; $sql="DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE totrash>0 AND totrashdate<".$timeframe; $database->setQuery($sql); $queryresult = $database->query(); // erase unread expired messages $rightnow=uddetime(); $sql="DELETE FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread<1 AND expires>0 AND expires<".$rightnow; $database->setQuery($sql); $queryresult = $database->query(); // send reminder if forgetmenot is activated if ($config_longwaitingemail && $config_longwaitingdays>0) { if(!$config_forgetmenotstart) { $config_forgetmenotstart=0; } $sincewhen=uddetime()-($config_longwaitingdays*86400); // $sql="SELECT * FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread<1 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$sincewhen; $sql="SELECT * FROM #__uddeim WHERE toread<1 AND totrash<1 AND datum<".$sincewhen. " AND datum>".$config_forgetmenotstart; $database->setQuery($sql); $castaways=$database->loadObjectList(); $loopcounter=0; foreach($castaways as $castaway) { // has this user already received a reminder? $sql="SELECT remindersent FROM #__uddeim_emn WHERE userid=".$castaway->toid; $database->setQuery($sql); $var_remindersent=$database->loadResult(); $next_remindersent=$var_remindersent+($config_longwaitingdays*86400); if($next_remindersent < uddetime()) { // send only if no reminder has already been sent $var_message=""; dispatchEMN (0, $castaway->toid, $var_message, 1); $loopcounter++; } // new: never send more than 25 forgetmenot e-mails in one script call to avoid // to many mails to be sent out at once if($loopcounter>=25) { break; } } } if($task=="prune") { mosRedirect('index.php', 'uddeIM/Prune'); } } ?>