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It's that time again! Swapping to another project. This time it's a complete rewrite of CB ProfileBook from the ground up. Backwards compatibility will be kept as much as possible in regards to functionality. Additionally many features you're accustomed to in other plugins will be made available. Check out the details below.

First a foremost this is a rewrite from the ground up. That means 100% rewriting it from scratch. CB ProfileBook functionality can more or less be replicated with CB Blogs, CB Activity, and a Rating field, but it has some nice functionality like the Guestbook being used for Reviews with its rating system and support for anonymous posts. This will all still be there and be improved in fact.

Additionally the template capabilities of other plugins will extend to CB ProfileBook to allow for better control of how the 3 tabs display their contents. Optional support for substitutions and Joomla content plugins is also planned.

Many have asked for WYSIWYG editor instead of the BBCode currently used. The BBCode will likely be entirely replaced with WYSIWYG with migration on install. BBCode just isn't as flexible and with WYSIWYG HTML it self is as easy as a button press.

If you've any feature requests for CB ProfileBook please don't forget to share as now is a perfect time to let us know what you're wanting for CB ProfileBook!

krileon replied the topic:
7 years 4 months ago

KatoKalin wrote: This is an old post. I don't know if it has been addressed in the meantime:

If not, then it's clearly a feature request.

CB Activity covers that usecase. CB ProfileBook will continue to function as it is without trying to be like CB Activity.
KatoKalin replied the topic:
7 years 4 months ago
This is an old post. I don't know if it has been addressed in the meantime:

If not, then it's clearly a feature request.