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This is the main CB plugin that is needed to add paid or free subscriptions to your Joomla/CB powered website. Other optional plugins can also be installed if needed for your business use case.
Always guarantee valid email addresses even on profile update by requiring all email address changes to be confirmed. Provide increased security to prevent unwanted email changes to accounts with support to reject email changes. Built in notifications can keep both moderators and users well informed of email changes!
Bring millions of avatars to your community with the power of Gravatar. Help offload server storage for avatars entirely to a free external service. Built in support for multiple gravatar defaults, display settings, and more. Use the users primary email address automatically or allow specifying a separate gravatar specific email address.
Bring Joomla article authors and profiles together by linking author directly to their Community Builder profile. Also automatically adjusts author name to match Community Builder name format! Great way for your users to learn more about specific authors and explore other author related content.
Create repeating groups of fields of any type supporting multiple display templates like tables, tags, lists, or even entirely custom. Great way to create lists of phone numbers, email addresses, mailing addresses, golf scores, pet names, certifications and more!
Authorization to remove all Powered by Community Builder footer links from all your websites for CB 2.x.
Send personalized email or private messages to your users when they join your website. Great way to welcome your new users and get them up to speed with your website. Also supports automated connection requests.
Add interactivity quickly and easily with profile guestbooks supporting profile reviews, simplified wall posts for two way communication, or even a simple blog! Includes support for rendering all 3 externally through a module anywhere you like.
Bring profiles together by keeping track of views allowing users to see who is interested in their profile! Monitors profile visit counts as well to have an idea of how active a users profile is.
Bring external or internal database data directly to profiles with 6 query based fields. Using simple SQL you can build custom drop downs from database data, checkbox fields, radio selections or even custom entire tables of data! Add powerful data driven validation on any field using your own database queries.
Adds interactive streams where users can share their thoughts and happenings and engage in online discussions through comments. Expand your community to all aspects of your site with unlimited activity and comment streams. With built in Likes and Follows functionality you can keep your community interacting. All the features you know and love for posts from your favorite social networks!
Let your community work for you by sending personalized invitation emails to their friends to sign-up on your website or with invite links for sharing. Keep track of invites and even enforce by invite only sign-ups. Easy to configure allowing invites to be customized to your sites needs.
A powerful package including Community Builder, CB Activity, CB Gallery, CB GroupJive, and much more configured for a starter social networking site. Includes many basic fields required for a social site like Birthday, Address, Gender, Religion, Work, Education, and much more. Already defined privacy controls for numerous profile features. This package will surely quickstart your social site!
Take your Community to the next social level by empowering your users to organize themselves into common interest groups. Sit back and watch your community interact, socialize and expand by inviting their friends to their groups and your website. Build communities for schools, sports teams, politics, and more!
Let hundreds of millions of Facebook, Twitter (X), Google, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Instagram, GitHub, VKontakte, Steam, Reddit, Twitch, StackExchange, Pinterest, Amazon, Yahoo, PayPal, Disqus, WordPress, Meetup, Flickr, Vimeo, LINE, Spotify, and Discord users to directly and comfortably sign-in to your Community Builder powered website using powerful single sign on (SSO)!