Thanks Krileon and Beat for reply.
We already use a solution like that with CBSubs and CB 'cause actually with CB 1.9.1 it's the only solution, but not a def solution.
I explain better why.
In Italy we must ask consent about privacy policy when user subscribe so the "best" way of doing that is:
- let user read privacy policy (a textarea box into a delimiter field containing a text area only readeble for example)
- a radio button for privacy policy where user can give consent about the privacy policy read above: Yes, I consent... bla bla stupid italian laws... bla bla... | No, I don't give consent bla bla...
Now if user choose "No, bla bla..." value, I must block registration process.
To do that at moment we use another CB field that is required and must be filled in if user choose "No..." then setting that field with CBSubs we don't allow that field to be shown so user cannot fill that field and really can't go on with registration process. So we are sure he must give us his express consent by choosing "Yes, bla, bla..."
That's what we should really do in Italy to be ok with laws.
Then the same fileds must be done for terms and conditions and also for other specific privacy policies.
So, I cannot simply create a radio field "yes or No" 'cause user can choose "No" value (and I must let him choose the No value but I must block him) and can go on with registration process!
Take a look at this to see how we structured this complicated process and how it works:
As you can see in that registration form, you can choose "no" values about privacy and terms but a message informs you about the fact that you cannot go on with registration process and effectivly you cannot register (CBSubs conditions ask for that hidden field, and look that the field isn't hidden with CSS 'cause someone could know how to display it...
Finally, why I wouldn't use this complicated process with CB 2.0 ?
That's why.
We would like to use also CB Connect plugin and let users create their account using FB etc... but I need them to accept privacy, terms etc... as soon as the app redirects them to the site (best would also be to ask them to accept privacy and terms soon as they click on the register with FB etc... but at moment I see that's not really possible)
So, if we could use core terms and conditions field, those fields must be accepted as I had tested with CB 2.0b2 and CB Connect plugin: user is forced to accept those fields after being redirected from the FB app to the site.
Thanks anyway for you reply. No solution at the moment, but I'm sure you'll find a solution in future for that.