Going through the CB Subs manual I got to the point of creating plans and seem to encounter a strange error as shown below and in the attachment. Basically after clicking on the plan in the drop down list I suddenly get a blank white page with an error as below and in the attachment: I have triple checked permissions in various sections in Joomla, CB and Virtuemart (here the user at the time of error has the relevant permissions in virtuemart as I am part of a created group with "allowed" permissions with Administrated Multivendor as VM works fine only here in CB Subs is this happening so I can not figure this error out right now and can not find this specific error online either).
If someone could probably assist in explaining why this is and if there is a solution that would be helpful.
(An error has occurred.
1146 Table 'aoc-1.com.b54ut_virtuemart_permgroups' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT `group_name` AS value, `group_name` AS text FROM `b54ut_virtuemart_permgroups` ORDER BY `ordering`)