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bins wrote: I have setup the blog plugin to refer to K2, however, I now have have tabs for both K2 & Joomla articles appear, when I only want K2. How do I remove the Joomla articles?
Also, how can I manage the contributor profile in CB, which is the standard Joomla profile?
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bins wrote: Nick,
what is the difference between the 2?
Re the profile, when you write a K2 article, you can have your picture and some profile copy/user details appear after the blog. This copy appears to be the standard Joomla user 'Personal Details' field.
I would have thought that this (or similar) might be a standard inclusion for CB and maybe I have missed it!
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You could push CB field data to Joomla profile fields using CB Auto Actions and its Query action.- from CB, can I edit my Joomla profile/personal details?
You could query for them using CB Query Field.- Also, can I display these details in my CB profile (or is there a CB alternative?)
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