I created a custom template and set it as the template to be used in the CB configuration. Everything works as should (I changed some css, images etc....), except for when I make changes to the default.php file. For example:
if ( $this->registerTitle ) {
$return .= ''
. '' . $this->registerTitle . ''
. '';
if ( $this->registerTitle ) {
$return .= ''
. '' . $this->registerTitle . ''
. '';
Cannot enter the exact code as for some reason it is stripping tags... Anyway bottom line, the only change I made was a heading tag, from h3 to h1
This should put the title of the CB registration page between h1 tags but when visiting the CB registration page it does not get updated and instead the tags are still h3. I checked all kinds of issues (caching etc...) to no avail. Can this be a bug?