I just updated my site to the latest version of Joomla, CB and CB Subscriptions. I have a subscriber whose subscription has expired. If I view the user in the frontend, their subscription says that it is expired. If I view the user record their subscription tab shows that the subscription is expired. See below:
But on the CB user manage list, it is still showing that the user's subscription is active. See below:
I ran the CB Tools after I installed both CB and CB Subscription.
Note that this user's subscription expired after CB Subscription was updated. I manually changed the subscription date of the user, to check that CB Subscription would expire the membership correctly.
When I go to Paid Subscriptions > Subscriptions I see that it has the expiration date as 8/12/2017, but the Status is still showing as Active, see below:
What would cause the CB User Manager still to show that the USA Performer Only subscription which is expired and the CB Subscription as still active when it has expired?
Thank you.