Hi - I have the following question:
I could set up the 'normal' credit card payment process (normal = without 3D-secure established) by using the Stripe gateway in CB Subs. So far so good
But now I wanted to set up also the 3D-secure payment process. For this reason I established the 3D-secure process for my productive VISA card. The customer support of VISA then has approved that my VISA card is ready now for the 3D-secure payment process.
As a second step I wanted to try out the 'look & feel' of this 3D secure payment process together with my Stripe gateway / Stripe account. For this reason I made a productive payment in my web shop with my (3D enabled) VISA credit card. The result was: Stripe didn't 'ask' me for special 3D credentials....
As a next step I examined the settings in the (Stripe)Gateway of CB Subs installation. But I could not find any 'flag' by the help of with I could 'switch on' the 3D secure process. As a last step I contacted the customer support of Stripe for further help. They gave me the following answer:
Answer of Stripe customer support:
"If you do not set it up when creating your Stripe checkout option, you do not have it automatically.
The process for 3D Secure card payments begins in the same way as regular card payments with your integration first creating a Source object that represents the card information. Instead of using this source to make a charge request, it’s used to create a 3D Secure Source object."
From my point of view this '...creation of a Source object....' sounds not like a 'configuration issue' which I could do in my Stripe account to set up the 3D-secure process....???....or is it just a configuration issue? ....At the moment I have no clue where to switch this '3D secure' on...pls help