We tried version 9 yesterday and noticed that our app iOS/android did not receive any longer json info allowing the user to be logged in.
For this purpose we use two auto actions linked to the app which are :
First one :
type = code
user = automatic
access = all registered
triggers = none
url = index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=pluginclass&plugin=cbautoactions&action=action&actions=255&Itemid=175
conditions = none
action method = PHP
global $_CB_database;
//$_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT `title` FROM `#__groupjive_plugin_events` WHERE `id` = " . (int) '[cb_marketevents]' );
//$eventName = $_CB_database->loadResult();
//return array( 'username' => '[username]', 'user_id' => '[user_id]', 'campagne_id' => '[cb_marketevents]', 'campagne_title' => $eventName);
$_CB_database->setQuery( "SELECT * FROM `#__groupjive_plugin_events` WHERE `id` = " . (int) '[cb_marketevents]' );
$event = $_CB_database->loadAssoc();
if($event) {$eventname = $event['title'] . ': ' . ( (in_array( 18, \CBLib\Application\Application::User( (int) $event['user_id'] )->getAuthorisedGroups()) && ($event['group'] != 56)) ? (int) CBuser::getUserDataInstance( (int) $event['user_id'] )->get( 'cb_marketing_multiplier' ) . ' €' : '(2 €)' );}
else $eventname = \CBLib\Language\CBTxt::T('UE_SET_CAMPAIGN');
return array( 'username' => '[username]', 'user_id' => '[user_id]', 'campagne_id' => '[cb_marketevents]', 'campagne_title' => $eventname);
output = JSON
Layout = empty
and second one
type = query
user = self
access = everybody
triggers = none
url = index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=pluginclass&plugin=cbautoactions&action=action&actions=149&Itemid=175
conditions = none
action method = Query
SELECT id FROM #__affiliate_tracker_accounts WHERE user_id =[user_id] LIMIT 1
output = return
Layout = empty
Reverting back to version 8.1.0+build.2021. from version 9.0.0+build.2021. solved our issues, and the iOS app correctly sees a logged in user
So I guess that there are new things interfering with version 9 but looking at the change log I am unable to find what is blocking.
Can you help on this ?
All other packages/builds have been upgrade to today versions (except auto actions then)
Thanks a lot