On a single activity page, I cannot find the correct code in an autoaction to display the card header information under the first body container (ie activityContainerContent or activityContainerInsert)
I tried to add
$variables['var5']=\CBLib\Language\CBTxt::T( 'activating', 'has activated ' ) . '<a class="strong" href="/component/comprofiler/pluginclass/cbactivity?action=activity&id=[var1_id]&Itemid=7333">[var1_params_activ]</a>';
and output it by
$variables['var5'] = $content . $variables['var5'];
but of course I only have the link and not the avatar/name of the header
Do I have to code everything to mimic the card header or is there a simple trick to display the header just under the message ? by css ?
I don't have an idea about this after trying a couple of hours
Can you help ?