Joomla: 3.10.9:
CB: 2.7.2+build.2022.
CBSubs: 4.6.1+build.2022.
subscription payments dated after 5/6/22 have failed to be processed.
Paypal sends email notification of Payment received;
The Notifications table shows repeated records marked 'Verified' for the same basket, but the Payment Basket table does not show these payments.
On the morning of 6/6/22 Paypal sent an email with the following info:
plus another 9 similar items for other baskets. (772-781)
by 7/6/22 three of these baskets appeared in the Payment Basket table but this morning I received another email from Paypal with the same info - including the three items that seem to have been fully processed.
Nothing has changed in the configuration since the previous successful payment processing on 27/5/22, but these failing payments followed a 'mass expiry' of 58 long-term annual subscriptions that had been paid by bank standing order, not Paypal; they had been handled manually up till this year, but this was not done this year - hence the mass expiries. Subsequently, (6/6/22) 10 members paid via paypal, but only three of these were successfully processed.
This morning I received another email from Paypal which listed the same 10 also included a further renewal payment (basket 408) that was unrelated to these 'expired' subscriptions.
Now Paypal is warning that 'If this problem continues, IPNs may be disabled for your account. '