There are a few things all the sites have in common: Community Builder, Gantry 5 framework, Akeeba Backup, and PWT ACL. I've been removing a few old extensions (Flickr Suite and DT Register) which are not supported in Joomla 4 or PHP 8, and replacing the sites that used those with Events Gallery and Membership Pro, respectively.
I have CB AntiSpam installed on almost all the sites. Because it supports reCAPTCHA v3, I've begun using it as the default Joomla CAPTCHA. I'm still struggling with the Google API console changes - what a PAIN!
Is this the setting you are referring to?
If so, and it's disabled by default, then it shouldn't be the cause unless it behaves differently in Joomla 4 than it did in Joomla 3. There seem to be a few places in CB AntiSpam were there is a "duplicate" setting. I don't see anything that directly indicates "duplicate login protection"
Login Duplicates
Login Sharing
Login Auto Block
Registration Duplicates
Registration Auto Block
All of them are already disabled.
I will continue to look elsewhere for an answer to this - since no one else in the Joomla forum or here has reported it, it must be something unique to one of the extensions I'm using.
Thank you,