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Was able to duplicate your issue and have created the following bug ticket. Appears to be a bug introduced with CB 1.7 core changes. For the time being please disable Ajax usage of the file field and simply upload from profile edit.Site one when I upload file I get what appears to be a i-frame with the website in it. Not the file but it never really saves it. On refresh it dissapears and no upload.
GJ is NOT ACL. Please see the below for information regarding GJ as well as a live demo.Can I do this using GroupJive to divide the two groups and keep their content sepperate?
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Please see forge link in my earlier post where a fix is proposed. We're currently preparing release of CB Ajax File fieldtype 1.4, which resolves this issue.Ok I see. The use of the profile edit tab works but is a hassle when explaining to the client visitors directions for usage. I hope they can fix the core issue changes soon. The uploading of files by my clients visitors is the most critical part of the site.
Usergroups like "Registered". GroupJive can't control access or content on your site based off their GJ group. It's groups as in Facebook groups or other social sites usage of groups.What is ACL?
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1.4 has been released where this issue is fixed; please upgrade.Sounds good on CB Ajax File Fieldtype 1.4
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