I've been having some issues with members joining my site.
Joomla 1.5.25
CB Subs 1.3.0
Groupjive 2.5
Over the last two months I've been having members join and sometimes they aren't active and I have to go in and manually activate their account. (originally thought it may be user error, they might be hitting back button or closing window early) Then sometimes it works fine, it is now at the point that maybe 2 out of 10 work properly.
So, I thought I better update everything to latest versions and hopefully that will fix it, besides I'm going to upgrade to Joomla 2.5 this week, so need to update anyways.
Long story short I thought I better test out the system after doing all the upgrades today and I can't get it to activate memberships at all. When a new user joins it redirects to basically a blank page and the user is not active. Usually when a new user joins I receive a paypal confirm email immediately followed by a CB New registration email. I'm not getting the CB new user reg. because the new users aren't actually active. I'm really not a fan of having to manually activate members.
I've attached a bunch of screenshots in order to show what is happening. Please help :blush:
Best Regards,