Kyle this is really confusing me too! Here are the facts as I have it:
1. Member registered on 13 Oct 2009;
2. Member has an active subscription;
Here is the entry from the CB members list showing she visited today:
3. Suddenly today, I receive a "new user has registered email" for this same user;
4. The record contains no active subscription and is auto-approved for some reason;
4. A new comprofiler record has been created (not through the new registration process as NO details are on the new comprofiler record other than a username, name, lastname, email address, photo and a Facebook ID). The email address in this record is different to the one on the original and active registration;
See record in CB user list below showing a different username (I guess this is her FB username, a different email (I guess its her FB email?) and showing that she has never logged in on this record:
5. The new record also contains a profile photo - I have no clue where this would come from because (i) the user has not subscription and therefore could not log in or upload a photo at all:
6. So I went to Facebook and searched for the username in the new record, and guess what, up pops this exact photo and Facebook username, first name and lastname as has appeared as the new phantom record in CB:
So I am absolutely confident that this must have come across from FB and found its way into CB
This feels and looks like a bug of sorts. What do you think?