I am updating an old Joomla 1.5 site to 2.5. (old site:
I moved the page to a new server, and its domain is currently beta.p-m-a.at
My Problem:
When I register a new member through community-builder register page for a special cbsubs-plan (for example pma community = standard plan),
I get the activation link. Perfect.
But when I open the link, i have to choose my membership again (because the old one is expired). Strange.
I found the error (mysql.log of a registration):
137 Query UPDATE `pma_comprofiler`
SET `user_id`=18792,`firstname`='askljdf',`lastname`='lkj',`approved`=0,`confirmed`=0,`registeripaddr`='',
`cb_countrylist`='Österreich',`cb_rechnart`='Privat',`company`='',`cb_branche`='',`cb_kommentar1`='' WHERE id='18792'
137 Query UPDATE `pma_cbsubs_subscriptions`
SET `replaces_plan`=NULL,`replaces_subscription`=NULL,`subscription_date`='2012-12-03 12:58:03',
`last_renewed_date`='2012-12-03 12:58:03',`expiry_date`=NULL,`autorenew_type`=0,`autorecurring_type`=0,`regular_recurrings_total`='0',
`ip_addresses`='',`status`='A',`user_id`='0',`plan_id`='12',`parent_plan`=0,`parent_subscription`=0,`integrations`='' WHERE id='18947'
You see, the user_id in the pma_cbsubs_subscriptions is 0. But I dont know why.