Hello - We use Comminity Builder and CBSubs to manage the membership in the United States Billiard Association (
For paid members in good standing we provide a membership list with search capability. Tournament Directors can look up a member to see if they are in good standing. We would like to display the "Expiration Date" of the member in the list. Presently the only field that is available in List Management is "Last Renewal" which is a bit misleading since we have members in different plans (1-year, 3-year, Life). The actual expiration date would be better information for a tournament director.
Can someone advise if it is possible to add the field "Expiration Date" from CBSubs into the feature List Management in CB. I know that there is some connection between CBSubs expiration date and CB member profile, because in My Profile on the Subscription tab I can see that date. I just cannot get to it in the List Management feature to permit display in a member list.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you can render.