When an invoice is submitted to create a basket from CB Subs, I see the following form (as one such example):
<form action="../pluginclass?plugin=cbpaidsubscriptions&cbpgacctno=1&cbppdtback=58fdf0067990ba782af087df8ac663b7&cbpbasket=24&cbpshopuser=691ddb877c4e9aacfac81fb555d04cb5&result=payform&cbpid=cbp5301234bd41cb277123612" method="post">
<input type="button" class="button cbpaidjsSubmit cbpaidCCbuttonInput" name="BPay" value="Single Button Submit" alt="Pay with your credit card" title="Pay with your credit card" />
<input type="hidden" name="basket" value="23" />
<input type="hidden" name="shopuser" value="691ddb877c4e9aacfac81fb555d04cb5" />
Upon investigation of the database, I see that the baskets exist in #__cbsubs_payment_baskets. My goal is to be able to manually create the basket and associated fields so that I can directly link the user to the basket and eliminate 1 step (the invoice) in the workflow.
I have seen posts on the forum saying that this cannot be done, but I know that it is possible. I know this because I have found an example online of a workable site doing so. I will gladly PM a link to the site if you would like to review it.
Ok, so the columns and form items I need to better understand are:
1) cbppdtback : this is in the form action URL. How is this generated and what are the key connections to create a basket?
2) cbpshopuser : this is in the form action URL. How is this generated and what are the key connections to create a basket?
3) cbpid : this is in the form action URL. I see that this matches the shared_secret column in the database table. How is this generated and what are the key connections to create a basket?
I believe that with a bit more digging I will be able to come up with a good fix. Thank you for your time.