I'm having some issues with another extension "DocMan" - it won't behave as required when a user belongs to multiple groups. We have three basic groups... 'registered', 'Free', and 'Paid'.
For some reason, whenever a new signup goes through as either "Free" or "Paid" they also get assigned to 'registered'. And when a subscription expires, CBSubs seems to shunt it to "registered'. But if I use Docman to block 'registered', then it also blocks all the "Paid" users who are ALSO simultaneously 'registered' users (they got assigned to that group on creation).
Is there a quick fix for this? Ideally, everyone signed up should either be a "free" subscriber or a "Paid" subscriber - do we have to have this phantom 'registered' user?
**EDIT** OK, after a little more fiddling I see that the "registered" group seems to be a necessary holding tank for users with expired subscriptions. But it seems that then we're going to REQUIRE a new CBSubs DocMan plugin?? ( As advised earlier, in my 3.3.3 installation, I have uninstalled the CBSubs DocMan plugin...)
Incidentally, if someone is not logged in, they are getting Full unrestricted access to everything in DocMan (regular CBsubs articles protection works normally). DocMan developer says that "Public" must have download access, as permissions for all other groups ripple down... but we want public to view docs, but not have download permission. This is all working fine in Joomla 2.5 (with a CBSubs DocMan plugin...)