same result...I tried several times to attach a file (probably the original post did not have the attachments) here it is:
( ! ) Warning: Uncaught exception 'Imagine\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'Gmagick not installed' in /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/Imagine/Gmagick/Imagine.php:31 Stack trace: #0 /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/Image/Test.php(61): Imagine\Gmagick\Imagine->__construct() #1 [internal function]: CBLib\Image\Test->Gmagick('', NULL, 'params') #2 /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/View/RegistryEditView.php(4175): call_user_func_array(Array, Array) #3 [internal function]: CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->_form_custom('', NULL, Object(CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement), 'params') #4 /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/View/RegistryEditView.php(3227): call_user_func(Array, '', NULL, Object(CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement), 'params') #5 /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/CBLib/AhaWow/View/RegistryEditView.php(1492): CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderParam(Object(CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement), 'params', true, 'n in /home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/libraries/CBLib/Imagine/Gmagick/Imagine.php on line 31
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0001 246064 {main}( ) ../index.php:0
2 0.0216 3100160 JApplicationCms->execute( ) ../index.php:42
3 0.0216 3100328 JApplicationAdministrator->doExecute( ) ../cms.php:251
4 0.0881 5071576 JApplicationAdministrator->dispatch( $component = ??? ) ../administrator.php:159
5 0.0896 5202728 JComponentHelper::renderComponent( $option = 'com_comprofiler', $params = ??? ) ../administrator.php:98
6 0.0909 5226304 JComponentHelper::executeComponent( $path = '/home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php' ) ../helper.php:332
7 0.0910 5245304 require_once( '/home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/comprofiler.php' ) ../helper.php:352
8 0.0915 5362568 require( '/home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/admin.comprofiler.controller.php' ) ../comprofiler.php:14
9 0.1313 12272240 CBLib\Core\CBLib::execute( ) ../admin.comprofiler.controller.php:198
10 0.1313 12272320 CBLib\Application\Application->dispatch( ) ../CBLib.php:167
11 0.1318 12299960 CBLib\Controller\Dispatcher->dispatch( ) ../Application.php:131
12 0.1324 12324256 CBLib\Controller\Controller->dispatch( $method = 'showconfigTask' ) ../Dispatcher.php:86
13 0.1324 12324296 CBLib\Controller\Controller->execute( $method = 'showconfigTask' ) ../Controller.php:78
14 0.1330 12364096 CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\Controller->dispatchRoute( $route = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'action' => 'showconfigTask', 'method' => 'edit') ) ../Controller.php:101
15 0.1330 12364144 CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\Controller->execute( $route = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'action' => 'showconfigTask', 'method' => 'edit'), $output = class CBLib\Output\Output { private $output = '' } ) ../Controller.php:111
16 0.1344 12648512 CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\ActionController->handleAction( $route = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'action' => 'showconfigTask', 'method' => 'edit') ) ../Controller.php:130
17 0.1350 12734776 CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\ActionController->drawView( $option = 'com_comprofiler', $action = 'showconfig', $element = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('version' => '1', 'xmlfilepath' => '/home/local/workspace/joomfuse_cb2/administrator/components/com_comprofiler/xmlcb/controllers/frontcontroller.xml'); public $types = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $type = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 7 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 8 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 9 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 10 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 11 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 12 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 13 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 14 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 15 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 16 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 17 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 18 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 19 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $actions = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('ui' => 'admin', 'permission' => 'core.manage', 'permissionasset' => 'com_comprofiler'); public $extend = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }; public $actionspecific = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $extend = array (...) }; public $action = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 7 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 8 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 9 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 10 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 11 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 12 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 13 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 14 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 15 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 16 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 17 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 18 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 19 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 20 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 21 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 22 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $views = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $view = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } } } }, $mode = 'edit' ) ../ActionController.php:170
18 0.1815 21329368 CBLib\AhaWow\View\ActionViewAdmin::editPluginView( $options = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'task' => 'showconfig', 'act' => '', '' => NULL), $actionPath = array ('view' => 'showconfig', 'act' => ''), $viewModel = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'editconfig', 'type' => 'params', 'ui' => 'admin', 'label' => '', 'icon' => 'gears', 'description' => '', 'viewformatting' => 'div'); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $menu = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'params', 'type' => 'params'); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $tabpanetab = array (...) } } }, $data = class CB\Database\Table\PluginTable { public $id = '1'; public $name = 'CB Core'; public $element = 'cb.core'; public $type = 'user'; public $folder = 'plug_cbcore'; public $viewaccesslevel = '1'; public $backend_menu = ''; public $ordering = '1'; public $published = '1'; public $iscore = '1'; public $client_id = '0'; public $checked_out = '0'; public $checked_out_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $params = '{"version":"2.0.4","name_style":"1","name_format":"3","date_format":"m\\/d\\/Y","time_format":"H:i:s","calendar_type":"2","allow_email_display":"3","allow_email_public":"0","allow_email_replyto":"1","allow_email":"1","allow_website":"1","allow_onlinestatus":"1","icons_display":"3","login_type":"0","reg_admin_allowcbregistration":"0","emailpass":"0","reg_admin_approval":"0","reg_confirmation":"1","reg_username_checker":"0","reg_show_login_on_page":"0","reg_email_name":"REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FROM_NAME","reg_email_from":"","reg_email_replyto":"","reg_email_html":"0","reg_pend_appr_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUBJECT","reg_pend_appr_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE","reg_welcome_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT","reg_welcome_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_MESSAGE","reg_layout":"flat","reg_show_icons_explain":"0","reg_title_img":"general","reg_intro_msg":"REGISTRATION_GREETING","reg_conclusion_msg":"REGISTRATION_CONCLUSION","reg_first_visit_url":"index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile","usernameedit":"1","usernamefallback":"name","adminrequiredfields":"1","profile_viewaccesslevel":"2","maxEmailsPerHr":"10","minHitsInterval":"60","templatedir":"default","use_divs":"1","left2colsWidth":"40","left3colsWidth":"32","right3colsWidth":"32","showEmptyTabs":"1","showEmptyFields":"1","emptyFieldsText":"-","frontend_userparams":"1","profile_edit_layout":"tabbed","profile_edit_show_icons_explain":"0","html_filter_allowed_tags":"","conversiontype":"4","avatarResizeAlways":"1","avatarHeight":"500","avatarWidth":"200","avatarSize":"2000","thumbHeight":"86","thumbWidth":"60","avatarMaintainRatio":"1","moderator_viewaccesslevel":"3","allowModUserApproval":"1","moderatorEmail":"1","allowUserReports":"1","avatarUploadApproval":"1","allowModeratorsUserEdit":"0","allowUserBanning":"1","allowConnections":"1","connectionDisplay":"0","connectionPath":"1","useMutualConnections":"1","conNotifyType":"0","autoAddConnections":"1","connection_categories":"Friend\\r\\nCo Worker\\r\\nFamily","translations_debug":"0","enableSpoofCheck":"1","noVersionCheck":"0","templateBootstrap":"1","BootstrapOffWarning":"","templateFontawesme":"1","FontawesomeOffWarning":"","jsJquery":"1","jQueryOffWarning":"","footerfWarning":""}'; protected $_tbl = '#__comprofiler_plugin'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_orderings = array ('ordering' => array ()); protected $_db = class CBLib\Database\Driver\CmsDatabaseDriver { protected $_db = class JDatabaseDriverMysqli { public $name = 'mysqli'; protected $nameQuote = '`'; protected $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; private ${JDatabaseDriver}:_database = 'joomfuse_cb2'; protected $connection = class mysqli { ... }; protected $count = 21; protected $cursor = NULL; protected $debug = TRUE; protected $limit = 0; protected $log = array (...); protected $timings = array (...); protected $callStacks = array (...); protected $offset = 0; protected $options = array (...); protected $sql = 'SELECT a.`folder` AS `value`, a.`name` AS `text`\n FROM `#__comprofiler_plugin` AS a\n WHERE ( a.`type` = \'templates\' ) AND ( a.`published` = 1 )\n GROUP BY value\n ORDER BY a.`ordering`'; protected $tablePrefix = 'k5w1z_'; protected $utf = TRUE; protected $errorNum = 0; protected $errorMsg = ''; protected $transactionDepth = 0; protected $disconnectHandlers = array (...) }; protected $_table_prefix = 'k5w1z_'; protected $cmsRelease = '3.3.6'; protected $transactionDepth = 0 }; public $_error = '' }, $params = ..., $pluginRow = NULL, $viewType = 'param', $cbprevstate = '' ) ../ActionController.php:520
19 0.1834 21727104 CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\RegistryEditController->draw( $tag_path = NULL, $grand_parent_path = NULL, $parent_tag = NULL, $parent_attr = NULL, $parent_attrvalue = NULL, $control_name = NULL, $paramstextarea = FALSE, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../ActionViewAdmin.php:129
20 0.1843 21902576 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderEditRowView( $modelOfView = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'editconfig', 'type' => 'params', 'ui' => 'admin', 'label' => '', 'icon' => 'gears', 'description' => '', 'viewformatting' => 'div'); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $menu = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'params', 'type' => 'params'); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $tabpanetab = array (...) } } }, $modelOfData = class CBLib\Registry\Registry { protected $defaultGetType = NULL; protected $storage = class CB\Database\Table\PluginTable { public $id = '1'; public $name = 'CB Core'; public $element = 'cb.core'; public $type = 'user'; public $folder = 'plug_cbcore'; public $viewaccesslevel = '1'; public $backend_menu = ''; public $ordering = '1'; public $published = '1'; public $iscore = '1'; public $client_id = '0'; public $checked_out = '0'; public $checked_out_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $params = '{"version":"2.0.4","name_style":"1","name_format":"3","date_format":"m\\/d\\/Y","time_format":"H:i:s","calendar_type":"2","allow_email_display":"3","allow_email_public":"0","allow_email_replyto":"1","allow_email":"1","allow_website":"1","allow_onlinestatus":"1","icons_display":"3","login_type":"0","reg_admin_allowcbregistration":"0","emailpass":"0","reg_admin_approval":"0","reg_confirmation":"1","reg_username_checker":"0","reg_show_login_on_page":"0","reg_email_name":"REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FROM_NAME","reg_email_from":"","reg_email_replyto":"","reg_email_html":"0","reg_pend_appr_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUBJECT","reg_pend_appr_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE","reg_welcome_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT","reg_welcome_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_MESSAGE","reg_layout":"flat","reg_show_icons_explain":"0","reg_title_img":"general","reg_intro_msg":"REGISTRATION_GREETING","reg_conclusion_msg":"REGISTRATION_CONCLUSION","reg_first_visit_url":"index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile","usernameedit":"1","usernamefallback":"name","adminrequiredfields":"1","profile_viewaccesslevel":"2","maxEmailsPerHr":"10","minHitsInterval":"60","templatedir":"default","use_divs":"1","left2colsWidth":"40","left3colsWidth":"32","right3colsWidth":"32","showEmptyTabs":"1","showEmptyFields":"1","emptyFieldsText":"-","frontend_userparams":"1","profile_edit_layout":"tabbed","profile_edit_show_icons_explain":"0","html_filter_allowed_tags":"","conversiontype":"4","avatarResizeAlways":"1","avatarHeight":"500","avatarWidth":"200","avatarSize":"2000","thumbHeight":"86","thumbWidth":"60","avatarMaintainRatio":"1","moderator_viewaccesslevel":"3","allowModUserApproval":"1","moderatorEmail":"1","allowUserReports":"1","avatarUploadApproval":"1","allowModeratorsUserEdit":"0","allowUserBanning":"1","allowConnections":"1","connectionDisplay":"0","connectionPath":"1","useMutualConnections":"1","conNotifyType":"0","autoAddConnections":"1","connection_categories":"Friend\\r\\nCo Worker\\r\\nFamily","translations_debug":"0","enableSpoofCheck":"1","noVersionCheck":"0","templateBootstrap":"1","BootstrapOffWarning":"","templateFontawesme":"1","FontawesomeOffWarning":"","jsJquery":"1","jQueryOffWarning":"","footerfWarning":""}'; protected $_tbl = '#__comprofiler_plugin'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_orderings = array ('ordering' => array (...)); protected $_db = class CBLib\Database\Driver\CmsDatabaseDriver { protected $_db = class JDatabaseDriverMysqli { ... }; protected $_table_prefix = 'k5w1z_'; protected $cmsRelease = '3.3.6'; protected $transactionDepth = 0 }; public $_error = '' }; public $_tbl = '#__comprofiler_plugin'; protected $params = array ('id' => '1', 'name' => 'CB Core', 'element' => 'cb.core', 'type' => 'user', 'folder' => 'plug_cbcore', 'viewaccesslevel' => '1', 'backend_menu' => '', 'ordering' => '1', 'published' => '1', 'iscore' => '1', 'client_id' => '0', 'checked_out' => '0', 'checked_out_time' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'params' => '{"version":"2.0.4","name_style":"1","name_format":"3","date_format":"m\\/d\\/Y","time_format":"H:i:s","calendar_type":"2","allow_email_display":"3","allow_email_public":"0","allow_email_replyto":"1","allow_email":"1","allow_website":"1","allow_onlinestatus":"1","icons_display":"3","login_type":"0","reg_admin_allowcbregistration":"0","emailpass":"0","reg_admin_approval":"0","reg_confirmation":"1","reg_username_checker":"0","reg_show_login_on_page":"0","reg_email_name":"REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FROM_NAME","reg_email_from":"","reg_email_replyto":"","reg_email_html":"0","reg_pend_appr_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUBJECT","reg_pend_appr_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE","reg_welcome_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT","reg_welcome_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_MESSAGE","reg_layout":"flat","reg_show_icons_explain":"0","reg_title_img":"general","reg_intro_msg":"REGISTRATION_GREETING","reg_conclusion_msg":"REGISTRATION_CONCLUSION","reg_first_visit_url":"index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile","usernameedit":"1","usernamefallback":"name","adminrequiredfields":"1","profile_viewaccesslevel":"2","maxEmailsPerHr":"10","minHitsInterval":"60","templatedir":"default","use_divs":"1","left2colsWidth":"40","left3colsWidth":"32","right3colsWidth":"32","showEmptyTabs":"1","showEmptyFields":"1","emptyFieldsText":"-","frontend_userparams":"1","profile_edit_layout":"tabbed","profile_edit_show_icons_explain":"0","html_filter_allowed_tags":"","conversiontype":"4","avatarResizeAlways":"1","avatarHeight":"500","avatarWidth":"200","avatarSize":"2000","thumbHeight":"86","thumbWidth":"60","avatarMaintainRatio":"1","moderator_viewaccesslevel":"3","allowModUserApproval":"1","moderatorEmail":"1","allowUserReports":"1","avatarUploadApproval":"1","allowModeratorsUserEdit":"0","allowUserBanning":"1","allowConnections":"1","connectionDisplay":"0","connectionPath":"1","useMutualConnections":"1","conNotifyType":"0","autoAddConnections":"1","connection_categories":"Friend\\r\\nCo Worker\\r\\nFamily","translations_debug":"0","enableSpoofCheck":"1","noVersionCheck":"0","templateBootstrap":"1","BootstrapOffWarning":"","templateFontawesme":"1","FontawesomeOffWarning":"","jsJquery":"1","jQueryOffWarning":"","footerfWarning":""}', '_error' => ''); protected $parent = NULL; protected $namespaces = array (); protected $srcGpc = FALSE }, $controllerView = class CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\DrawController { public $pageNav = NULL; public $_tableBrowserModel = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'editconfig', 'type' => 'params', 'ui' => 'admin', 'label' => '', 'icon' => 'gears', 'description' => '', 'viewformatting' => 'div'); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $menu = array (...) }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } } }; public $_actions = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('ui' => 'admin', 'permission' => 'core.manage', 'permissionasset' => 'com_comprofiler'); public $extend = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }; public $actionspecific = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $extend = array (...) }; public $action = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 7 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 8 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 9 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 10 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 11 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 12 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 13 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 14 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 15 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 16 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 17 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 18 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 19 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 20 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 21 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 22 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $_options = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'task' => 'showconfig', 'act' => '', '' => NULL); public $_tableName = 'editconfig'; public $_search = NULL; public $_searchFields = NULL; public $_orderby = NULL; public $_orderbyFields = NULL; public $_filters = NULL; public $_batchprocess = NULL; public $_statistics = NULL; public $_control_name = NULL; protected $input = class CBLib\Input\Input { protected $defaultGetType = 'command'; protected $params = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'task' => 'showconfig', 'view' => 'showconfig'); protected $parent = NULL; protected $namespaces = array ('get' => class CBLib\Input\Input { ... }, 'post' => class CBLib\Input\Input { ... }, 'files' => class CBLib\Input\Input { ... }, 'cookie' => class CBLib\Input\Input { ... }, 'server' => class CBLib\Input\Input { ... }); protected $srcGpc = FALSE } }, $options = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'task' => 'showconfig', 'act' => '', '' => NULL), $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditController.php:314
21 0.1844 21932168 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderAllParams( $xmlParentElement = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'editconfig', 'type' => 'params', 'ui' => 'admin', 'label' => '', 'icon' => 'gears', 'description' => '', 'viewformatting' => 'div'); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $menu = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'params', 'type' => 'params'); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $tabpanetab = array (...) } } }, $control_name = NULL, $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:428
22 0.1844 21941096 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderOneParamAndChildren( $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'params', 'type' => 'params'); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => '', 'type' => 'custom', 'method' => 'cbUpdateChecker', 'label' => '', 'display' => '2lines') }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'config'); public $tabpanetab = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) } }, $control_name = NULL, $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1252
23 0.1849 22091056 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderAllParams( $xmlParentElement = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'params', 'type' => 'params'); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => '', 'type' => 'custom', 'method' => 'cbUpdateChecker', 'label' => '', 'display' => '2lines') }; public $tabpane = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'config'); public $tabpanetab = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }) } }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1653
24 0.1853 22098680 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderOneParamAndChildren( $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'config'); public $tabpanetab = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...); public $if = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $if = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...); public $if = array (...) }) }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1252
25 0.1853 22099328 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderAllParams( $xmlParentElement = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'config'); public $tabpanetab = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...); public $if = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...) }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $if = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $param = array (...); public $if = array (...) }) }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:2033
26 0.2290 23416928 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderOneParamAndChildren( $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'images', 'label' => 'Images', 'description' => ''); public $param = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $if = array (...) }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 7 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }) }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1252
27 0.2290 23549376 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderAllParams( $xmlParentElement = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'images', 'label' => 'Images', 'description' => ''); public $param = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $if = array (...) }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 3 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 4 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 5 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 6 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }, 7 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...) }) }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:2093
28 0.2291 23550552 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderOneParamAndChildren( $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'conversiontype', 'type' => 'list', 'default' => '4', 'label' => 'Image Software', 'description' => 'Choose the software to use for processing images.'); public $if = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }) }, $control_name = 'params', $tabs = class cbTabs { protected $ui = 2; protected $action = 0; protected $fieldJS = ''; protected $tabsToDisplay = array (); protected $renderedPositions = array (); protected $tabsContents = array (); protected $_stepDownFormatting = array ('table' => 'tr', 'tabletrs' => 'tr', 'tr' => 'td', 'td' => 'div', 'divs' => 'div', 'div' => 'span', 'span' => 'span', 'uls' => 'ul', 'ul' => 'li', 'ols' => 'ol', 'ol' => 'li', 'li' => 'div', 'none' => 'none'); private ${cbTabHandler}:_xml = NULL; private ${cbTabHandler}:_tabXml = NULL; public $_loading = NULL; public $element = NULL; public $params = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:pluginObject = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:input = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_events = array (); public $_fieldTypes = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_fieldParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_tabParams = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_menus = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:_plugins = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_pluginGroups = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:_cbpluginid = NULL; private ${cbPluginHandler}:debugMSG = array (); private ${cbPluginHandler}:errorMSG = array (); public $_iserror = FALSE }, $viewType = 'param', $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1252
29 0.2291 23550864 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->renderParam( $param = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'conversiontype', 'type' => 'list', 'default' => '4', 'label' => 'Image Software', 'description' => 'Choose the software to use for processing images.'); public $if = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }) }, $control_name = 'params', $view = FALSE, $htmlFormatting = 'div' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:1492
30 0.2292 23552072 call_user_func ( array (0 => class CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView { public $_i = 4; public $_modelOfData = array (0 => class CBLib\Registry\Registry { ... }, 1 => class CBLib\Registry\Registry { ... }); public $_modelOfDataRows = class CB\Database\Table\PluginTable { public $id = '1'; public $name = 'CB Core'; public $element = 'cb.core'; public $type = 'user'; public $folder = 'plug_cbcore'; public $viewaccesslevel = '1'; public $backend_menu = ''; public $ordering = '1'; public $published = '1'; public $iscore = '1'; public $client_id = '0'; public $checked_out = '0'; public $checked_out_time = '0000-00-00 00:00:00'; public $params = '{"version":"2.0.4","name_style":"1","name_format":"3","date_format":"m\\/d\\/Y","time_format":"H:i:s","calendar_type":"2","allow_email_display":"3","allow_email_public":"0","allow_email_replyto":"1","allow_email":"1","allow_website":"1","allow_onlinestatus":"1","icons_display":"3","login_type":"0","reg_admin_allowcbregistration":"0","emailpass":"0","reg_admin_approval":"0","reg_confirmation":"1","reg_username_checker":"0","reg_show_login_on_page":"0","reg_email_name":"REGISTRATION_EMAIL_FROM_NAME","reg_email_from":"","reg_email_replyto":"","reg_email_html":"0","reg_pend_appr_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_SUBJECT","reg_pend_appr_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_PENDING_APPROVAL_MESSAGE","reg_welcome_sub":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_SUBJECT","reg_welcome_msg":"YOUR_REGISTRATION_IS_APPROVED_MESSAGE","reg_layout":"flat","reg_show_icons_explain":"0","reg_title_img":"general","reg_intro_msg":"REGISTRATION_GREETING","reg_conclusion_msg":"REGISTRATION_CONCLUSION","reg_first_visit_url":"index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=userprofile","usernameedit":"1","usernamefallback":"name","adminrequiredfields":"1","profile_viewaccesslevel":"2","maxEmailsPerHr":"10","minHitsInterval":"60","templatedir":"default","use_divs":"1","left2colsWidth":"40","left3colsWidth":"32","right3colsWidth":"32","showEmptyTabs":"1","showEmptyFields":"1","emptyFieldsText":"-","frontend_userparams":"1","profile_edit_layout":"tabbed","profile_edit_show_icons_explain":"0","html_filter_allowed_tags":"","conversiontype":"4","avatarResizeAlways":"1","avatarHeight":"500","avatarWidth":"200","avatarSize":"2000","thumbHeight":"86","thumbWidth":"60","avatarMaintainRatio":"1","moderator_viewaccesslevel":"3","allowModUserApproval":"1","moderatorEmail":"1","allowUserReports":"1","avatarUploadApproval":"1","allowModeratorsUserEdit":"0","allowUserBanning":"1","allowConnections":"1","connectionDisplay":"0","connectionPath":"1","useMutualConnections":"1","conNotifyType":"0","autoAddConnections":"1","connection_categories":"Friend\\r\\nCo Worker\\r\\nFamily","translations_debug":"0","enableSpoofCheck":"1","noVersionCheck":"0","templateBootstrap":"1","BootstrapOffWarning":"","templateFontawesme":"1","FontawesomeOffWarning":"","jsJquery":"1","jQueryOffWarning":"","footerfWarning":""}'; protected $_tbl = '#__comprofiler_plugin'; protected $_tbl_key = 'id'; protected $_orderings = array (...); protected $_db = class CBLib\Database\Driver\CmsDatabaseDriver { ... }; public $_error = '' }; public $_modelOfDataRowsNumber = NULL; public $_extendViewParser = NULL; public $oldExtendViewParser = NULL; private $oldExtendParserNode = NULL; public $_controllerView = class CBLib\AhaWow\Controller\DrawController { public $pageNav = NULL; public $_tableBrowserModel = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $_actions = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $_options = array (...); public $_tableName = 'editconfig'; public $_search = NULL; public $_searchFields = NULL; public $_orderby = NULL; public $_orderbyFields = NULL; public $_filters = NULL; public $_batchprocess = NULL; public $_statistics = NULL; public $_control_name = NULL; protected $input = class CBLib\Input\Input { ... } }; public $_options = array ('option' => 'com_comprofiler', 'view' => 'showconfig', 'task' => 'showconfig', 'act' => '', '' => NULL); public $_pluginParams = class CBLib\Registry\Registry { protected $defaultGetType = NULL; protected $storage = NULL; public $_tbl = NULL; protected $params = array (...); protected $parent = NULL; protected $namespaces = array (...); protected $srcGpc = FALSE }; public $_paramsOfColumns = array ('params' => class CBLib\Registry\Registry { ... }); public $_types = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $type = array (...) }; public $_actions = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $extend = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $actionspecific = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $action = array (...) }; public $_views = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $view = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }; public $_parentModelOfView = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $toolbarmenu = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $params = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }; public $_pluginObject = NULL; public $_tabid = NULL; public $_view = TRUE; protected $_db = class CBLib\Database\Driver\CmsDatabaseDriver { protected $_db = class JDatabaseDriverMysqli { ... }; protected $_table_prefix = 'k5w1z_'; protected $cmsRelease = '3.3.6'; protected $transactionDepth = 0 }; public $_methods = array (0 => '__construct', 1 => 'setParentView', 2 => 'pushModelOfData', 3 => 'popModelOfData', 4 => 'getModelOfData', 5 => 'setModelOfDataRows', 6 => 'setModelOfDataRowsNumber', 7 => 'setExtendedViewParser', 8 => 'setOldExtendedViewParser', 9 => 'setSelectValues', 10 => 'setFieldsListArrayValues', 11 => '_getSelectValues', 12 => 'renderEditRowView', 13 => 'get', 14 => '_compileJsCode', 15 => 'jsQuote', 16 => 'jsCleanQuote', 17 => 'phpCleanType', 18 => '_evalIf', 19 => '_htmlId', 20 => '_outputIdEqualHtmlId', 21 => '_renderLine', 22 => 'arrayValuesMerge', 23 => 'assignArrKeysValue', 24 => '_parseParamsColumn', 25 => 'renderAllParams', 26 => '_uniqueTag', 27 => '_addTagMatch', 28 => '_getKeyOfTagMatch', 29 => 'pathFromXML', 30 => 'pathsFromXML', 31 => 'xpathWithAutoLoad', 32 => 'renderOneParamAndChildren', 33 => 'extendXMLnode', 34 => 'extendNodeAndChildren', 35 => 'triggerXML', 36 => 'extendXMLXML', 37 => 'extendParamAttributes', 38 => '_substituteChildTexts', 39 => 'substituteName', 40 => 'resolveXmlParamType', 41 => 'renderParam', 42 => 'isOldExtend', 43 => 'callOldExtend', 44 => 'inputControlName', 45 => '_form_get_default', 46 => '_form__get_int', 47 => '_form__get_float', 48 => '_form__get__htmlarea', 49 => '_form__get_password', 50 => 'control_name_static', 51 => 'control_name', 52 => 'control_id', 53 => '_title', 54 => 'getTooltipAttr', 55 => '_todom', 56 => 'selectList', 57 => 'buildClasses', 58 => 'textfield', 59 => '_form_text', 60 => '_form_string', 61 => '_form_int', 62 => '_form_float', 63 => '_form_user', 64 => '_form_tag', 65 => '_form_custom', 66 => '_form_private', 67 => '_form_group', 68 => '_list_select2', 69 => '_list_make_option', 70 => '_list_options_selected', 71 => '_list_options_data', 72 => '_list_options_default', 73 => '_list_options', 74 => '_form_list', 75 => '_form_multilist', 76 => '_form_field_show_only_if_selected', 77 => '_form_data', 78 => '_form_tablefield', 79 => '_form_radio', 80 => '_form_checkbox', 81 => '_form_multilist_internal', 82 => '_form_list_sql', 83 => '_form_sql', 84 => '_form_mos_section', 85 => '_form_mos_category', 86 => '_form_mos_content', 87 => '_form_field', 88 => '_form_multifield', 89 => 'fieldArrayOrStringNameToId', 90 => 'fieldNameToId', 91 => '_form_tab', 92 => '_form_mos_component', 93 => '_form_mos_module', 94 => '_form_mos_menu', 95 => '_form_mos_menu__menutypes', 96 => '_form_mos_menu_item', 97 => '_form_imagelist', 98 => '_form_folderlist', 99 => '_form_writable', 100 => '_form_textarea', 101 => '_form_htmlarea', 102 => '_form_uploadfile', 103 => '_form_button', 104 => '_form_spacer', 105 => '_form_usergroup', 106 => '_form_viewaccesslevel', 107 => '_form_rownumber', 108 => '_form_primarycheckbox', 109 => '_form_checkmark', 110 => '_form_published', 111 => '_form_yesno', 112 => '_form_firstwords', 113 => '_form_datetime', 114 => '_form_dayofweek', 115 => '_form_password', 116 => '_form_hidden', 117 => '_form_param', 118 => '_form_xpath', 119 => '_form_httprequest', 120 => '_form_json', 121 => '_json_render', 122 => '_form_permissions', 123 => '_save_permissions', 124 => 'validateAndBindPost', 125 => 'savePerms', 126 => 'getPermissionsForm', 127 => 'validateForm', 128 => '_form_ordering', 129 => '_getOrderingList', 130 => '_form_bargraph', 131 => '_form_plot', 132 => '_plot_parseSerie', 133 => '_plot_parseData', 134 => '_plot_parseTicks', 135 => '_plot_parseTickFormatter', 136 => '_plot_parseXaxis', 137 => '_plot_parseYaxes', 138 => '_plot_typeData', 139 => '_plotSeriesX', 140 => 'xml2json', 141 => 'arr2json', 142 => 'xml2arr', 143 => 'textareaHandling'); public $_jsif = array ('cbfr_params_allow_email_display=3const:int' => array (...)); public $_jsrepeat = FALSE; public $_jsselect2 = TRUE; public $_selectValues = array (); public $_inverted = FALSE; public $_extenders = array (); public $tabpaneNames = array (1 => 'config'); protected $input = class CBLib\Input\Input { protected $defaultGetType = 'command'; protected $params = array (...); protected $parent = NULL; protected $namespaces = array (...); protected $srcGpc = FALSE }; protected $plot_series = array () }, 1 => '_form_list'), 'conversiontype', '4', class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'conversiontype', 'type' => 'list', 'default' => '4', 'label' => 'Image Software', 'description' => 'Choose the software to use for processing images.'); public $if = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }) }, 'params' ) ../RegistryEditView.php:3227
31 0.2292 23552120 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->_form_list( $name = 'conversiontype', $value = '4', $node = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'conversiontype', 'type' => 'list', 'default' => '4', 'label' => 'Image Software', 'description' => 'Choose the software to use for processing images.'); public $if = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }) }, $control_name = 'params', $ignoreClass = ??? ) ../RegistryEditView.php:3227
32 0.2292 23552576 CBLib\AhaWow\View\RegistryEditView->_list_options( $name = 'conversiontype', $node = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array ('name' => 'conversiontype', 'type' => 'list', 'default' => '4', 'label' => 'Image Software', 'description' => 'Choose the software to use for processing images.'); public $if = array (0 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 1 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }, 2 => class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { public $@attributes = array (...); public $left = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... }; public $then = class CBLib\Xml\SimpleXMLElement { ... } }) }, $control_name = 'params', $options = array (0 => class stdClass { public $value = '4'; public $text = 'GD2'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf0'; public $class = '' }, 1 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf1'; public $class = '' }, 2 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf2'; public $class = '' }, 3 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf3'; public $class = '' }, 4 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf4'; public $class = '' }, 5 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf5'; public $class = '' }, 6 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf6'; public $class = '' }, 7 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf7'; public $class = '' }, 8 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf8'; public $class = '' }, 9 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf9'; public $class = '' }, 10 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf10'; public $class = '' }, 11 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf11'; public $class = '' }, 12 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf12'; public $class = '' }, 13 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf13'; public $class = '' }, 14 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf14'; public $class = '' }, 15 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf15'; public $class = '' }, 16 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf16'; public $class = '' }, 17 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf17'; public $class = '' }, 18 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf18'; public $class = '' }, 19 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf19'; public $class = '' }, 20 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf20'; public $class = '' }, 21 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf21'; public $class = '' }, 22 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf22'; public $class = '' }, 23 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf23'; public $class = '' }, 24 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf24'; public $class = '' }, 25 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf25'; public $class = '' }, 26 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf26'; public $class = '' }, 27 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf27'; public $class = '' }, 28 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf28'; public $class = '' }, 29 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf29'; public $class = '' }, 30 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf30'; public $class = '' }, 31 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf31'; public $class = '' }, 32 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf32'; public $class = '' }, 33 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf33'; public $class = '' }, 34 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf34'; public $class = '' }, 35 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf35'; public $class = '' }, 36 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf36'; public $class = '' }, 37 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf37'; public $class = '' }, 38 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf38'; public $class = '' }, 39 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf39'; public $class = '' }, 40 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf40'; public $class = '' }, 41 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf41'; public $class = '' }, 42 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf42'; public $class = '' }, 43 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf43'; public $class = '' }, 44 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf44'; public $class = '' }, 45 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf45'; public $class = '' }, 46 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf46'; public $class = '' }, 47 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf47'; public $class = '' }, 48 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf48'; public $class = '' }, 49 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf49'; public $class = '' }, 50 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf50'; public $class = '' }, 51 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf51'; public $class = '' }, 52 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf52'; public $class = '' }, 53 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf53'; public $class = '' }, 54 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf54'; public $class = '' }, 55 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf55'; public $class = '' }, 56 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf56'; public $class = '' }, 57 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf57'; public $class = '' }, 58 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf58'; public $class = '' }, 59 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf59'; public $class = '' }, 60 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf60'; public $class = '' }, 61 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf61'; public $class = '' }, 62 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf62'; public $class = '' }, 63 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf63'; public $class = '' }, 64 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf64'; public $class = '' }, 65 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf65'; public $class = '' }, 66 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf66'; public $class = '' }, 67 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf67'; public $class = '' }, 68 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf68'; public $class = '' }, 69 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf69'; public $class = '' }, 70 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf70'; public $class = '' }, 71 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf71'; public $class = '' }, 72 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf72'; public $class = '' }, 73 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf73'; public $class = '' }, 74 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf74'; public $class = '' }, 75 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf75'; public $class = '' }, 76 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf76'; public $class = '' }, 77 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf77'; public $class = '' }, 78 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf78'; public $class = '' }, 79 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf79'; public $class = '' }, 80 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf80'; public $class = '' }, 81 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf81'; public $class = '' }, 82 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf82'; public $class = '' }, 83 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf83'; public $class = '' }, 84 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf84'; public $class = '' }, 85 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf85'; public $class = '' }, 86 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'; public $id = 'params__conversiontype__cbf86'; public $class = '' }, 87 => class stdClass { public $value = '1'; public $text = 'ImageMagick'