Trying to set up new plans for this site. The main plan doesn't show - well, it does but it's not clear that it's an option. In other words, the registration fields are available but the top of the page says:
Membership Plan
o Student Membership (etc)
o Supporting Member (etc)
And then the registration fields FOR THE MAIN PLAN.
Nowhere is it clear the main plan is actually an option. It doesn't matter if I set it to default, not default or any other plan to default the main plan just doesn't show up.
To recap, there should be THREE plans, not just two, to choose from.
Please see screenshot Below - there are three plans but only two showing.
CBSubs GPL 4.0 RC2, CB Subs 2.0.7, Joomla 3.4.0
I am stumped as to why the main plan doesn't show up as an option.
Thanks in advance for your help.