Hello guys!
Everything is working awesome with CB, but when I got to test the Activity Wall plugin, I found something which was not working fine.
When the code to generate the ToolTip is executed, it works on every scenario, except on this module (the file I'm referring to is "<joomla directory>/libraries/CBLib/CB/Legacy/LegacyComprofilerFunctions.php".
Exactly on line 1473, the following code is executed and something in there (or the calls it is making) is not being compiled correctly:
$toolTipAttributes = ( $class ? ' class="' . htmlspecialchars( $class ) . '"' : null )
. ' data-cbtooltip-tooltip="' . htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $tooltip ) ) . '"'
. ( $title ? ' data-cbtooltip-title="' . htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( $title ) ) . '"' : null )
. ( $width !== null ? ' data-cbtooltip-width="' . htmlspecialchars( $width ) . '"' : null )
. ( $height !== null ? ' data-cbtooltip-height="' . htmlspecialchars( $height ) . '"' : null )
. ( $attributes ? ' ' . $attributes : null );
The code is supposed to generate the "Delete" tooltip with the icon, but as it is not compiled correctly, it is generating what you see in the following screenshot:
Any ideas about how to resolve this ?
All inputs will be very much appreciated!