I have installed the CB Connect plugin.
My First priority is the facebook login.
I followed your instructions step by step,
I have create a facebook application etc.
The cb login shows now the facebook button.
I tried to login in my site with a facebook account and
i don't take any error messages.
But it seems i am still logout.
I check the users via CB and there is no any new user.
I have two questions.
A) When i try to login with a facebook account the systen in joomla or CB
create a new user as the normal registration process or not?
The CB Connect plugin remembers a facebook user or the facebook
keeps the registration?
I ask that because i tried to login for second and third time and so in , but it happens the same think.
It seems work but i am still logout
The Url below is if you want to try login with FB account.
Thanks a lot