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Create a gallery field type then disable all media types other than photos. Leave the rest of the parameters as is.1. Gallery Field for photos that each user can upload when logged in and view is public
Create a gallery field type then disable all media types other fan files. Leave the rest of the parameters as is. Next using CB Privacy under Integrations > Privacy set "Display" to "Forced privacy control" and "Default" to "Private".2. Gallery field for files that each user can upload but is private
This is a bit trickier. Menu items will not inherit the fields parameters. In fact it will override them given the chance. So what you need to do is create a Joomla menu item with menutype Community Builder > Plugin and select CB Gallery as the Plugin. Now you need to replicate the parameters you set in the field also in the menu item (e.g. disable all types except photos). Now in order for it to output the fields entries the most important parameter is Asset. Asset determines location. The asset, by default, for fields is profile.PROFILE_ID.field.FIELD_ID. So you'll need to use profile.[user_id].FIELD_ID to do this dynamically (replace FIELD_ID with the actual field id).3. Joomla menu items for both
As they're already fields you shouldn't need to do anything specific for this beyond put them on their respective tabs.4. Tab in profile for both
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Neither of those are correct. They are as follows to match a fields default asset. See my above reply for further asset usage details as well as the asset parameter description.I have this for the documents already [user_id].field.93
This for photos [user_id].field.245
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