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Use Case Overview

Using CB Content Module, you can create a count up banner and display it in any position of your template, even inside an article.

With it, you will be able to display something like this:

Let's get started!

Create CB Content Module instance

From your Joomla -> Extensions -> Module page, do the following:
  • Click New Button
  • In the list that appears select CB Content
  • Populate module's title (e.g. CB Content - Count Up)

Populate Module Text Parameter Area

In the text parameter area of module tab paste the following code segment:

<div id="countup">
	<!-- You can change the next line to fit your count up module -->
	<h4> Community builder founded in 2006!!<br/>It's been with you for:</h4>
	<p id="years">00
	<span class="timeRefYears"> years
	<p id="days">00
	<span class="timeRefDays"> days
	<p id="hours">00
	<span class="timeRefHours">:
	<p id="minutes">00
	<p span="timeRefMinutes">:
	<p id="seconds">00
	<p span="timeRefSeconds">.</p>
	<!-- You can change the next line to fit your count up module -->
	<h4> and we keep going developing even more exciting features!!</h4>

Populate Module Javascript Parameter Area

In the Javascript parameter area of the module tab paste the following code segment:

window.onload=function() {
	// Month,Day,Year,Hour,Minute,Second
	upTime('mar,05,2006,00:00:00'); // ****** Change this line!
function upTime(countTo) {
	now = new Date();
	countTo = new Date(countTo);
	difference = (now-countTo);
	years = Math.floor(days / 365);
	if (years > 1){ days = days - (years * 365)}
	document.getElementById('years').firstChild.nodeValue = years;
	document.getElementById('days').firstChild.nodeValue = days;
	document.getElementById('hours').firstChild.nodeValue = hours;
	document.getElementById('minutes').firstChild.nodeValue = mins;
	document.getElementById('seconds').firstChild.nodeValue = secs;
	clearTimeout(;{ upTime(countTo); },1000);

You can of course make changes to the messages displayed and the start date (as pointed our in the segments).

Populate Module CSS Parameter Area

In the CSS paramater area paste the follwoing segment:

#countup p {
	display: inline-block;
	padding: 6px 3px;
	background: #FFA500;
	margin: 0 0 10px;

You can modify this css code to best fit your template and coloring scheme.

Final Configuration Settings and Save.

Make the following final changes:

  • Select the module position (e.g Position 7 for Protostar template)
  • Select Access Level (e.g. Public)
  • Publish your module
  • Save the module and go to your front end to see the results.

Thank you for reading!

krileon replied the topic:
8 years 1 month ago
Not sure what your comment is contributing to the tutorial? Is it too complicated? Is the formatting hard to follow? Constructive feedback welcomed so we can improve upon our tutorials.

CB out of the box simply just works and looks great, but if you need more than CB out of the box expect to get your hands dirty like with any extension. Extensions like CB Content Module and plugins like CB Auto Actions reduce the coding you have to do quite significantly for customized solutions.
tracy14 replied the topic:
8 years 1 month ago
I find for me that cb has alot of programming and things that I know nothing about. I do not code and know very little about html writing. So in the end my site would not look that well or function that well as compared to thers. Think I may pass on this.