We send an automatic email, using Mailer, out to our members one month before their subscription expires reminding them that their renewal payment will shortly become due and that they can renew in advance. It is the member’s choice whether to do a manual renewal or have a PayPal Subscription.
How can I set up a condition in Mailer so that the email only goes to those who renew manually?
I would also like to send a different email to members who have a PayPal subscription reminding them that the renewal payment will shortly be taken (I realise that this is the NOT version of the same condition).
Thank you
Last edit: 4 years 7 months ago by krileon. Reason: Added [SOLVED] tag to subject
That was not possible with CBSubs, and is a very useful feature request!
I've implemented it now, and you can upgrade from the nightly just released. You will then find in mailer (but also in promotions and plan settings upgrades) new settings for conditions and existing user subscriptions for auto-renewal (and many other conditions also on baskets).
Please let us know if that works for you, as we will very soon have a new CBSubs stable release coming out this week.
To upgrade to nightly, just go to CB plugins management, install from web tab, and by logging into joomlapolis.com refreshing with the small refresh icon bottom right you should see the new nightly upgrade proposed.