I have a need to create two different types of users with my website. I've already created the group names in Joomla - no problem. However....
Group A will have a registration page to be completed by the user and a profile page ONLY visible to Group A. Group A will also have access to a List containing information on Group B but not Group A.
Group B will need to be registered by an administrator. The profile page will contain different fields and format (i.e. tabs ). Once the profile is set up, the user will be allowed to edit most of the profile, however, it would be nice if some fields could only be edited by admin. Group B will not have access to any Lists or Group A profiles.
Also - is there a way to have one log-in module for Group A and another for Group B?
Kind of...I know it's been 6 months but I'm back on this project.
Essentially what I had to do was re-think how I wanted my users to access information.
Now, instead of letting the groups look at each other's profiles, I set up searchable user lists with only the information I thought group A would want to see of Group B.
And then I killed the access of profiles (except by the user).
Additionally, Group B, as the business model dictates, will be limited to a specific number of users and require that website admin set up their profile. In this way, site admin can set the correct access level for those users (which is key to the data presented in the user list).
It's not as great as I would like it but it's free and it seems to do the trick...for now! Perhaps in the future I will consider purchasing the services of a good code person or incorporating commercial plug-ins.