I recently installed Community Builder and when through the installation process. After installing and testing the extension I felt it wasn't what the site needed and I uninstalled it per the instructions. Since doing so I cannot enable Joomla registration access. It is no longer an option under Global Configuration and it is currently disabled.
Any assistance in re-enabling this would be grateful.
gregstaf wrote: I recently installed Community Builder and when through the installation process. After installing and testing the extension I felt it wasn't what the site needed and I uninstalled it per the instructions. Since doing so I cannot enable Joomla registration access. It is no longer an option under Global Configuration and it is currently disabled.
Any assistance in re-enabling this would be grateful.
CB does not make changes to Joomla parameter locations - or to joomla.
The parameters are right were you left them and they depend on the Joomla version you are using.