If I'm doing something wrong, I'd be happy to admit it, figure out what "it" is, correct it, and move on, so I don't have this issue any more. Please help me resolve this!
Please see the attached files. You will see that facilitator@elitemmareferees.com received the notification that a new user registered on the site. The email is from jefferson.j@globalprovinggrounds.com.
What I need is for jefferson.j@globalprovinggrounds.com to receive the notification that a new user registered on the site!
If you see the attached files, you will see James (jefferson.j@globalprovinggrounds.com) is set as an Admin, Registered User, Super User and Staff. He is set to receive moderator emails. Admin notification is set to "Yes" in CB and Joomla User management.
In spite of all this - jefferson.j@globalprovinggrounds.com does not receive any notifications when a new user registers on the site!
Help! Can you tell me, step by step, how to fix this?