lpolak wrote: I am also using CB and K2 for a website and I am interested in combining the two. Your answers here is puzzling. Where can I set permissions for my K2? I am using joomla 2.5.4 and don't see it anywhere. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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krileon wrote: Latest K2 release supports CB integration. Please ensure you're using the latest and configure as follows.
K2 > Permissions > Advanced > Community Builder Integration
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jacksudan wrote: community builder and k2 do not integrate users :woohoo:
I am using latest version of k2 and community builder but found that if I use community builder login form, then the user is not created in k2 user table and this prevents users from uploading pictures to k2 profile. Also when a user adds a comment in k2 articles their profile pic does not appear and their real name appears instead of their username. Does anyone have a work around for this or know any extensions or bridges that fixes this integration issue...it would be greatly helpful...thank you,,,,,,
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