Along with CB I also use jreviews on my site. You've got to love the jreviews guys... they sent me some code to replace in the router file and everything works perfectly now with the CB links -- no more Notice: Undefined index: view in /home/content/36/8718036/html/DOMAINS/xxxxxxx/components/com_content/router.php on line 48.
In the router.php file indicated above, simply replace:
if (($menuItem instanceof stdClass) && $menuItem->query == $query && isset($query) && $menuItem->query == intval($query)) {
if (($menuItem instanceof stdClass) && isset($menuItem->query) && isset($query) && $menuItem->query == $query && isset($query) && $menuItem->query == intval($query)) {
It worked great for me. Thanks to Alejandro and reviewsforjoomla!!!