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NFER-ICT wrote: Hi Nick,
I've turned on System Debugging and tried to access CB User Management - but still no display... not even an error message.
Checked the PHP memory setting (PHP 5.6.4) and it's set to 128MB
Downloaded and ran your code and that showed 99MB allocated - with no error at the end of the message.
As the blank page URL is "mysite/administrator/index.php?option=com_comprofiler&view=showusers" does that confirm it's something to do with my Community Builder component?
I've got this exact same site working on my development server and all I've done is use Akeeba to backup the site and then restore it on my live server. It is worth noting though, that my development server is running Linux and my live server is a Windows one (don't ask - I've no control over this).
Any suggestions?
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NFER-ICT wrote: I've tried error reporting set to Maximum and Development but still no messages.
And the server error logs don't show nay errors.
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