I have a website, on which I have been using EasyProfile. I decided to stop using EasyProfile, and install Community Builder. Everything seems to work fine.
However, the
First & Last Name fields show as EMPTY on the
CB User Management page (on
the backend and the frontend), while it shows correctly on Joomla Users management page and on EasyProfile pages.
After some research, I found that if I select the "
Name Style" to be (
Single Name Field), the problem is resolved. However, I would prefer to ask the user to enter the name in
2 different input elements (First Name) & (Last Name). Is this possible?
After further trial and error, I discovered that if I do the following, the user would be able to edit the name as 2 distinct elements.
1. change the Name Style to Single Name Field
2. edit the user's profile and
save it
3. change the Name Style back to (First Name and Last Name Fields)
I have only a few users. So, I can afford to do the above steps for each one. I wonder if there a more elegant way of doing it?
Thanks in advance for your effort and time...