I need to add a where query into the backend. I was previously doing this with:
$superAdmin = Application::MyUser()->isSuperAdmin();
if($this->registryEditVew->_controllerView->_tableName == "showusers" && !$superAdmin){
$mygids = $_CB_framework->acl->get_groups_below_me( null, true );
$xmlsql->where[] = "d.group_id IN('".implode("','", $mygids)."')";
in CB2.0, but get_groups_below_me has been dropped so I've adjusted it to use MyUser() get groups/ but then we get an issue accessing the protected property $xmlsql->where[].
Can you advise on what we should be using, of is there are some plugin hooks we can hook into and add the additional where clause?