Hi all,
It is a question about the "best practice" with custom translations.
I created a custom field with a language string. If I add it to the regular language file (CB default_language, or fr-fr), it is well translated.
Then I tried to create a language pack to store my "custom translations" (in order to keep the original files on one side, and my pack on other side).
I managed to install it as a CB plugin. But it does not translate the language strings.
So my question are :
- What is the right way to deal with this ?
-- Should I store the transaltions on the "original" translation files
-- How to declare a translation pack to be linked to a language (fr-FR by example)
I ckecked the documentations and the forum, but I could not find the answer to those questions. May be I did not check it well, and if so, just prodide me the link to the right documentation (or forum), I do not want to bother you with already answered questions.
Thank you,