I understand what caching is, what it does, and how it will affect dynamic environments. I am asking very specific questions about your software and how it functions. I feel like your answers have been only slightly informative with most of your response concentrated on explaining things to me that I already know. You seem to purposely ignore/dodge my questions.
Here is what I have: Joomla 3.1.5, cb 1.9, and subs 3.0.0. I have disabled Global caching, but I have enabled the Joomla system cache plugin. I have an extremely large site (147+ pages) with over 6000 registered users and many more visitors. I HAVE to use caching, and I HAVE to use a reasonable caching duration (I do not consider 5 minutes reasonable for a site of this size). I also understand that the anti-spam check is designed to protect my site.
What I need from you is a way to tell Joomla to NOT cache the cb registration pages/steps. It would be nice if this was built into your component, but alas it is not. Therefore, I need a work-around. I have installed another component called CacheControl which is supposed to allow me to exclude url parameters. So far it isn't working. I am wondering if the anti-spoofing is using different pages or url parameters than what the registration page shows in the url. Or it could just be that the plugin is flawed.
To use the CacheControl plugin I am supposed to enter the url parameters into the options and it is supposed to not cache any pages that match those parameters. I put the parameter "option=com_comprofiler&task=registers&Itemid=528". This is the url of the registration page, but it did not fix the issue. What is the URL call for this anti-spam check? That way I can add it to the plugin options so it will be ignored for caching.