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[SOLVED] French accents now showing properly in plan subscription, but in tab names

11 years 3 weeks ago - 10 years 11 months ago #241207 by MacPhotoBiker

I have a tabbed subscription form in French. In the tab titles, accents show correctly, but in the plan description they don't:

How could I fix that?

And on a related note: Where could I modify the format how the date is displayed?

Last edit: 10 years 11 months ago by krileon.

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11 years 2 weeks ago #241244 by krileon

How could I fix that?

You need to use valid UTF8 characters.

And on a related note: Where could I modify the format how the date is displayed?

You can't, it's calculated and can't be altered. You can re-arrange its display a little bit using its language string, but you won't be able to change the format it outputs as.

Kyle (Krileon)
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11 years 1 week ago - 11 years 1 week ago #241717 by MacPhotoBiker

How could I fix that?
You need to use valid UTF8 characters.

Sorry, I have to open this ticket again. You said I should use valid UTF 8 characters, but I believe that's what I'm doing. This is how it looks in "french.php"

However, this is how it looks on the frontend:

I believe I should tell CBSubs somewhere that it should expect UTF 8, but I could not figure out where to do this.

Could you help me out?

Last edit: 11 years 1 week ago by MacPhotoBiker.

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  • nant
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11 years 1 week ago - 11 years 1 week ago #241739 by nant

MacPhotoBiker wrote:

How could I fix that?
You need to use valid UTF8 characters.

Sorry, I have to open this ticket again. You said I should use valid UTF 8 characters, but I believe that's what I'm doing. This is how it looks in "french.php"

However, this is how it looks on the frontend:

I believe I should tell CBSubs somewhere that it should expect UTF 8, but I could not figure out where to do this.

Could you help me out?


Is your french.php file saved as utf8 ?

Also the correct filename should not be french.php.
Please check this article:

Latest french plugin for CB can be found here:
Last edit: 11 years 1 week ago by nant.

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10 years 11 months ago #242557 by MacPhotoBiker
Replied by MacPhotoBiker on topic Solved it

thanks again for your feedback, and for pointing out the UTF-8 encoding.

Just in case somebody stumbles across this post, here's what I did to solve the problem:

First I made sure that the text editor (Geany) on my local machine (Linux Mint 15) creates filed by default using UTF-8 encoding. Then, I copied all content from /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/cbpaidsubscriptionsfrench/french.php into a new file in Geany, and then simply overwrote the existing french.php. That did the trick, and French accents now show properly.

Merci! :)
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10 years 11 months ago #242589 by MacPhotoBiker
Replied by MacPhotoBiker on topic Registration in French, Payment slip in English

sorry, I have to open this ticket again. Registration in French works now, for example "valid from now on" is being properly translated:

"valid from now on"=>"valide à la réception du paiement",

However, the payment slip is still shown in English, despite the fact that French translation is available in the same file:
"If you pay by check, please print and enclose this page with your check." => "Si vous payez par chèque, veuillez imprimer ce document et le joindre à votre chèque.",

What would I need to do in order to have the payment slip being shown in the selected language?


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