Thanks for your feedback and suggestions.
To be clear: No, there is no secret club here
. We are open about our work and releasing reports and betas of our work in progress, of course with source code and a well php-documented new CBLib.
More importantly, we are not only listening to valuable feedbacks, like yours above, but also taking them in account. Which of course can push a bit release dates. That's why we are never giving exact release dates. So it's ready when it's ready.
So your affirmation that we are not willing to share is incorrect and i'm feeling it as being unfair: We have already shared it in each beta! We are using the php-doc format to document our APIs, so that when you use any reasonable IDE, all documentation is visible while writing code, and all auto-completions work well. And with PHP-documentor it's easy to generate good online documentation. Also something that we plan to do on the web when CB 2.0 stable is released.
To the contrary of what you write, I don't recall that Joomla was publishing API-upgrades documentation on alphas and betas. Reason is simple: During those stages, the new APIs are work in progress and are constantly improved by steps, and the documentation would be obsolete and thus incorrect in no time. Additionally, as we will be providing backwards-compatibility, there is no rush to use the new APIs.
Our current CB API documentation, available freely in this section:
and is still valid for upcoming CB 2.0 beta 5 (more information available on our latest update on our homepage and today's newsletter, so that it is easier to find for all users than a forum post reply).
We are eager to release CB 2.0 and all of us are working days, nights and week-ends on it, when not spending time in the forums and mandatory admin and sysadmin tasks.
Kyle is right in telling to use CB 1.9.1 for stable sites, as upgrading to 2.0 will be an easy task, as has been planed.
Back to CB 2.0 work !
We are also fully open on our work and tasks and here are the links if you want to follow the progress:
All tasks (includes resolved tasks):
remaining tasks:
P.s. it's not CD, it's CB, like Community Builder