Hi Kyle,
you are right, the issue is not related to the “Payment basket item text” but to our customization during the purchase of certain articles on the site.
Basically, in our site we have plans with both fixed and variable prices. To handle variable prices, the only viable way was to use the Donation plan option (as you suggested a few months ago). And indeed everything is working great.
But we would like to show it in the “Payment basket item text” the exact description of what the user is actually buying instead of the generic Plan description.
To do this we added a field in the CB configuration called “cb_lastorder” and we set "Payment basket item text" = [cb_lastOrder] for [USERNAME].
When the user chooses to do a donation with a certain amount, we modify our field cb_lastorder before submitting the form and everything works great.
The problem is then with our traditional plans (not donation) with fixed price and description.We tried to handle them by changing the cb_lastorder value in Integrations > CB Fields > Set Field = Value, but this way the change in the value is applied only after the plan has been activated, then after the relative payment.
So, what we would like to do is:
keeping the “Payment basket item text” = [PLANS_TITLE] for [USERNAME], is there any way to change the cb_lastorder value before the basket is generated and not only at activation?
back to "Payment basket item text" = [PLANS_TITLE] for [USERNAME] is there any function allowing runtime to pass PlansTitle to the submit of the form, so passing each time different values?
Thank you again!