I wish to use community builder so my customers can make a request for quotation.
My roadmap:
• I would like that customers fill in some forms . Filling in forms is automated with twitter/facebook/google account / ….
1. Firstname John
2. Last Name Doe
3. Phone Number 0123 456 789
4. Email john@doe.com
5. I would log they’re IP number in a hidden field
• I would like to create automatically a username like this
1. Firstname.lastname username = john.doe
• Then I would like to do some error checking
1. Do we have already a existing IP
If yes Join tables and goto check_error
2. Do we have already a existing email john@doe.com
If yes join tables and goto check_error
3. Does the combination username already exists ? john.doe ?
If yes join tables and goto check_error
• Check_error
1. Is this a returning customer ?
2. Is this a college who collects bids to know my prices ?
• Email the request for a quotation to myself, so I can make a quote to the customer
1. Output_error whit deep link to the separates profiles
2. When quote is made update value quote_date
• In second step, I wish to make a quote online on my website to the customer
1. This is a bit of tricky to start with, so I wish to separate this.
• Follow up the quote after a week, after two weeks, after three weeks (this will be a automated email message) with values that are filled in in the form
• If the quote is accepted, change the customers value our usergroup to a other group
1. Send the customer a follow up form, so he can rate our business. When the customer has rated our business
2. Change the customer follow up form to other user group rated customer
Customer can download free pdf
First is this possible to do with the start of community builder ? I can output a lot of info on the profiles off course and make a online community regarding my business this way.
Is there someone who has good community builder skills and who can help me out with this (payd help when you can make me a invoice)
I have already made some custom forms
You can find the
Url to form here