We have a Joomla 3.3.x site with CB 1.9.1 and CBSubs 3.0.0.
In CB I have an Ending Date field (cb_endingdate).
What I want to do, is each time that a user subscribes to a plan I want to update their Ending Date CB field to the plan's expiration date.
I have setup an Auto Action to try and do this, but it isn't working. The field is blank after the user subscribe or renews.
This is my Auto Action settings:
Type: Field
Trigger: onCPayUserStateChange
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Conditions: [var3] <= 7 (I have 6 plans that have an id of 1 to 6)
[var2] = A
Field: Last Expiry Date (cb_enddate)
Operator: Set (Field=Value)
Value: [var9_expiry_date]
I think the problem may be that the [var9_expiry_date] is a date time field but the cb_enddate is only a date field.
Is there a way to get just the date from [var9_expiry_date] to put into cb_enddate in the Auto Action?
Thank you for your help.