Hi Kyle i have read your feedback but there is still some behaviour I can't explain. At the same hoster I have set up 2 environments:
environment 1: Joomla 3.3.6 / CB 1.9.1 / PHP 5.5
In the CB the settings for the portrait upload are as follows:
in the frontend I have no problem to upload the example file of 4.2 MB
enwironment 2:
To create this environment I took environment 1 (as an baseline) and upgraded to Joomla 3.4.1 and CB 2.0.7. (this environment is on the same hoster as environment 1) that means also same php.ihi file and also other Settings are identical.
if I try to upoad the example file of 4.2 MB as a new portrait I get the exceptions as described in earlier postings
...so if this is true that I do not have enough PHP-Memory, why is it possible to upload the same file in environment 1 ?
...and why is it not possible to change to ImageClick? (In environment 1 I can choose ImageClick in the dropdown, in environment 2 the dropdown shos only the GD-Option ...as I said both Environments are on the same hoster)
regards Eric