Hi - I have installed Joomla 3.4 and CB 2.0.8. I replaced the title of a userlist as follows:
...I defined the variable: '_UE_IDP_LIST_BASESEARCH_TITLE' in the following 2 files:
file: /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/de-de/language.php
translation string: '_UE_IDP_LIST_BASESEARCH_TITLE' => 'Schnell-Suche_Y',
...and also here:
file: /components/com_comprofiler/plugin/language/de-de/cbplugin/cblanguageoverride-language.php
translation string: '_UE_IDP_LIST_BASESEARCH_TITLE' => 'Schnell-SucheXXX',
...the result in the frontend is as follows:
...as you can see the title (the content in the dropdown) is not translated acording to the cblanguageoverride-language.php file