There's query caching built into the stream API, but I can't see how it'd cause this unless the user object sent to the stream was wrong to begin with. To test this make the below change.
IN: libraries/CBLib/CB/Plugin/Activity/Activity.php
ON: Line 275 (note this maybe incorrect, as I'm on a dev build)
if ( ! isset( $cache[$cacheId] ) ) {
//if ( ! isset( $cache[$cacheId] ) ) {
ON: Line 304 (note this maybe incorrect, as I'm on a dev build)
In short this is commenting out the IF statement responsible for the cache of the query. I don't see how this could be causing your issue as it's static caching, which just caches the function results ran in the same process. In this case that's not happening as it's only being called once.
You can also enable debug mode and maximum error reporting in Joomla global configuration. Then view the users profile to see if any errors display. If none check the query log at the bottom of the page and find the query to the _activity table and see what user_id it's using in its query.