hello, im having some issues with my group jive setup...
1..group item menu button will not respond when clicked...i can create a new event/video/image but clicking the menu to edit will not respond..
2..the date for the event will not display proberly...for some reason although i created an event today dated 6/20/15 and set it to a test date 09/25/15 ..all of the events show up like this 08/15/0009 03:01 AM....so im not sure where it is getting this time from.
in case its helpful ...my server time zone in global config is set to universal time, corredinated...and my community builder time settings are at the default settings...any idea what this is..thanks
hey thanks friend...i downloaded that file but could not locate which file to place that patch into..that needs to be installed via plugin upload? thanks again