I'm having difficulty with the CBsubs GroupJive integration plugin. I have a paid subscription set up through CBsubs to add the user to a specific group when they purchase a specific plan. After the plan is completely purchased, the user is not showing up in the assigned groupjive group in the backend or in the frontend user profile. I have the desired group already created in the backend. I believe I have the least amount of restrictions set on the group in the backend (category and group published and visible to Everyone, Group is Open). I can manually add users from the groupjive backend to the new group (and also see the new group in the frontend user profile)...just not have it work automatically from CBsubs.
Groupjive is working for other groups on the site with manually added users or via invite.
Joomla 3.4.3
Community Builder 2.0.10
CBsubs and groupjive integration plugin nightly build CBSubs-4.0.1.ci.2015.
Groupjive 2.7.0
GJ group configuration in backend:
CBsubs GJ integration config: