krileon wrote: You don't need to specify Plugin URLs. Just the Plugins parameter as that jQuery plugin is included with CB. I'm not sure I understand the condition though. Name should never be empty. You also need to include the onAfterRegisterFormDisplay trigger if you want it to work on registration in addition to profile edit.
The reason i've put name is not empty so that it will guarantee fire the auto action (as what you said, name can never be empty).
I didn't put it on registration as the field does not appear while registration.
Can it work when it work when the field is conditioned by other fields and a regex to validate the field?
So the setting for the auto action should be like below?
Published: Yes
Title: test input mask
Type: Code
Triggers: onAfterUserProfileEditDisplay
User: Automatic
Access: Everybody
Conditional: [name] NOT EMPTY
Method: jQuery
Code: $( '#cb_fieldnametest' ).inputmask( '9999-9999-9999-9999' );
Plugin URLs:
Plugins: inputmask