I ended up using a similar extension (JDBExport) as the site I was working on is J2.x. The extension you suggested (looks good) was for J3.x sites only.
In any case, here is what I came up with and it seemed to work ok:
SELECT wxyz_comprofiler.user_id, wxyz_comprofiler.firstname, wxyz_comprofiler.lastname, wxyz_comprofiler.cb_housenumber, wxyz_comprofiler.cb_streetname, wxyz_comprofiler.cb_postalcode, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.id, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.status,wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions. user_id, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.plan_id, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.subscription_date, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.last_renewed_date, wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.expiry_date
FROM wxyz_comprofiler
INNER JOIN wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions
ON wxyz_comprofiler.user_id=wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.user_id
WHERE wxyz_cbsubs_subscriptions.expiry_date BETWEEN CAST('2005-09-01' AS DATE) AND CAST('2014-10-02' AS DATE);
This gave me a spreadsheet with columns from the cbsubs_subscriptions.plan table as well as the associated user info from wxyz_comprofiler table.