Thank you very much for the new GroupJive beta-version, I have created a Test-environment and will start testing asap.
About the current production version. I want to start the front-end Group creation (till now I used backend auto-action for that). However when a registered user try to do that (with the menu link index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=pluginclass&plugin=cbgroupjive&action=groups&func=new&cat=3) it get the right form but only the (most important) "(Group)Name" field is missing??? So group, description, logo, type and other settings cannot be saved, giving the error "...failed to save! Error: Name not specified!". Please see attached image.
Any idea why the (Group)Name input field is not showed (also not in firebug) and how to get that input field shown?
Many thanks in advance,